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Is Religion compatible with Evolution? (Read 44897 times)
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Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Aug 11th, 2011 at 12:37am
For those who believe literally in the story of Adam and Eve, the answer would be no, but these people would be in the minority.  For the majority of Christians, who would see the creation stories in Genesis as being allegories rather than factual accounts, the answer would be yes, religion and evolution are compatible.

Here's one view on the subject:

Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said while the Church had been hostile to Darwin's theory in the past, the idea of evolution could be traced to St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas.

Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Santa Croce University in Rome, added that 4th century theologian St Augustine had "never heard the term evolution, but knew that big fish eat smaller fish" and forms of life had been transformed "slowly over time". Aquinas made similar observations in the Middle Ages.

The conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University will discuss Intelligent Design to an extent, but only as a "cultural phenomenon" rather than a scientific or theological issue.

Monsignor Ravasi said Darwin's theories had never been formally condemned by the Roman Catholic Church, pointing to comments more than 50 years ago, when Pope Pius XII described evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans.

Marc Leclerc, who teaches natural philosophy at the Gregorian University, said the "time has come for a rigorous and objective valuation" of Darwin by the Church as the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth approaches.  Professor Leclerc argues that too many of Darwin's opponents, primarily Creationists, mistakenly claim his theories are "totally incompatible with a religious vision of reality".

Earlier this week, prominent scientists and leading religious figures wrote to The Daily Telegraph to call for an end to the fighting over Darwin's legacy.  They argued that militant atheists are turning people away from evolution by using it to attack religion while they also urge believers in creationism to acknowledge the overwhelming body of evidence that now exists to support Darwin's theory.

The Church of England is seeking to bring Darwin back into the fold with a page on its website paying tribute to his "forgotten" work in his local parish, showing science and religion need not be at odds.

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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #1 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 12:37am
And here's another:

Are those incompatible positions: to believe in God and to believe in evolution?

[Dawkins:] No, I don’t think they’re incompatible if only because there are many intelligent evolutionary scientists who also believe in God—to name only Francis Collins [the geneticist and Christian believer recently chosen to head the National Institutes of Health] as an outstanding example. So it clearly is possible to be both. This book more or less begins by accepting that there is that compatibility. The God Delusion did make a case against that compatibility in my own mind.

This is a surprising response because Dawkins compatriots on this side of the pond haven’t been nearly so respectful toward Collins. I would have expected Dawkins to hold a very similar opinion to that of Harris and Myers.

I wonder whether you might be more successful in your arguments if you didn’t convey irritation and a sense that the people who believe in God are not as smart as you are.

[Dawkins:] I think there is a certain justified irritation with young-earth creationists who believe that the world is less than 10,000 years old. Those are the people that I’m really talking about. I do sometimes accuse people of ignorance, but that is not intended to be an insult. I’m ignorant of lots of things. Ignorance is something that can be remedied by education. And that’s what I’m trying to do.

This is another distinction that rarely seems to get made. I don’t recall Dawkins himself making it in The God Delusion. Maybe he did, it has been a year since I read it. If so it wasn’t hard to overlook.

The ubiquitous use of “creationists” to describe those with whom they differ is, it seems to me, an attempt to lump everyone into one group. This overlooks the ongoing and often heated discussions between people like Collins and people like John MacArthur. There is quite a difference there.
I’m glad to see Dawkins acknowlege it, even if the reporter had to twist his arm a bit.

Finally, the interview ends amusingly with a discussion of stridency:

Is there anything else I’ve missed?
I would be glad if you didn’t use the word “strident.” I’m getting a little bit tired of it.

I’ve read your books and I would not disagree with that characterization.
OK. Well, let me plant one idea in your head. When somebody offers an opinion about anything other than religion—say, politics or economics or football—they will use language that is no more or less outspoken than mine, and it isn’t called strident. As soon as it’s an atheistic opinion, immediately the adjective “strident” is attached to it, almost as though the word atheist can’t be used without the preceding adjective “strident.” You wouldn’t talk about a strident Christian.

No, you’d simply use “militant” or “Dominionist” or “Fundamentalist.” The implication is very similar if not identical. What’s delicious here is that he seems utterly unaware of the irony. Of all people, he’s one of the last in a position to complain about dismissive adjectives attached to his beliefs. A little Biblical reference to specks and logs seems in order.

That said,
the statements in this interview are refreshing. I wish his fans in this country would take his example to heart

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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #2 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 12:46am
Frances wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 12:37am:
For those who believe literally in the story of Adam and Eve, the answer would be no, but these people would be in the minority.  For the majority of Christians, who would see the creation stories in Genesis as being allegories rather than factual accounts, the answer would be yes, religion and evolution are compatible.

No they are not compatible. They are poles apart. Evolution is based on scientific observation and factual evidence whereas religion is based on some old book full of bronzed age myths and ancient scribblings.

Genesis is totally incompatible with our understanding of science and the Universe. The earth is not the center of the Universe like the Bible says it is simply because the bible was written by primitive people with insufficient knowledge because God is imaginary.

And I don't see the scientific fraternity making any reference to Genesis in the bible as a credible source of understanding the origins of the universe do you ?? I'd hardly call that compatibility.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #3 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 1:50am
OK then.  Respnse number one.  Now I'll have to wait and see if someone intelligent posts something....
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #4 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 3:02am
Frances wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 1:50am:
OK then.  Respnse number one.  Now I'll have to wait and see if someone intelligent posts something....

I take it you're Religious; that's the only way you could have been somehow offended by nails post.

let me say to you; he is absolutely right in his description of the Bible; it is full of inconsistencies and fallacies. Sexism and murder. Incest and racism.

The Bible is a collection of fairytales that were painted as truth in a time when people could not know any better. In a time when hopelessness ran rampant, and the people needed hope. In short, they could be easily fooled.

Clearly, not much has changed today, only the difference is modern day religious people are that way because their parents made them so. It is a cycle of falsification and brainwashing, and even now religious organizations and individuals (Reverend Nile) seek to force their beliefs on everyone else.

To answer the point of the OP, No, Religion and Evolution could not be more incompatible. Religious figureheads find the theory of Evolution as a major threat to their beliefs, and that is enough for me to be convinced, actual science aside, that the theory is correct.

I'm sorry fran, but your beliefs are wrong. It can't even be debated.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #5 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 5:40am
"Goddidit, says so in the bible" is a hypothesis. At least it would be within sciences methodology. 'Evolution theory' is a conclusion reached after observation and experiment have produced the data to verify or disprove the hypothesis. There is therfore no base from which to draw comparisons between the assertion of religion and the conclusion of science.

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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #6 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 6:17am
Charles Darwin wrote 'The Origin of the Universe' in 1859, and that book caused most of the remaining principles by which human life was understood in religious terms to go up in smoke.

The Christian church resisted Darwin with vigour, and mostly still does. 'Creation Science' is nothing more than ignorant rantings reflecting a frightened and dying religious mentality.

furthermore, there is much evidence to suggest that the species of life known as Homo is not eternal because we have fouled our environmental nest so thoroughly ie overpopulation and weapons of mass destruction (not the ones in Iraq) that the survival of the human species faces at best long odds.

No. Evolution and the Abrahamic religion of the Christian bible can not go hand in hand. If you believe one, you cannot believe the other.

I'm sure many practising Christians do believe in evolution, but they conveniently put the idea to the back of their mind for the sake of their sanity.

No offence or disrespect to the OP for this answer.

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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #7 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 7:26am

and the relentless drive by religion to try and give themselves relevance is pathetic.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #8 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 8:55am
Evolution, is a theory.
Evolution, is a theory.
Evolution, is a theory.

Evolution, is a theory.

duh people, duh!

Ancient rocks do not come with date stamps on them.

Fossils which are, 'millions of years old', do not have date stamps on them.


Fossils are 'millions of years old'

find that image, here....
"The Missing Link"

Yadda asked....
"Why can't this fossil [image above] be, say, 4 thousand years old???"

See the response, below....

"The Missing Link"
Yadda wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 4:01pm:
Amadd wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 3:48pm:
i.e. Why can't this fossil be, say, 4 thousand years old???


4,000 years!!! I doubt if it's even possible to get a fossil that young.


You are mistaken.

After being taught at school that it takes millions of years for fossils to form, you, and many others have made fallacious assumptions about the 'age of dinosaurs'.

Under the right environmental circumstances, dead organic material can 'fossilise' [petrify] in under 20 years.

That is proven FACT.

i.e. It has been proven [observed to happen], SCIENTIFICALLY.
"The Missing Link"

In your own statement,

....."I'll put my trust in science.", are effectively saying is,

"I believe that a particular fossil, is 47 million years old, because 'scientists', and 'experts' say it is."

Where is YOUR respect for true scientific rigour and process?

You believe that a particular fossil, is 47 million years old, even in the absence of, and without 'science' presenting, conclusive, objective evidence.

i.e. Without proving the assertion, with the rigour of true, scientific process!

"The Missing Link"
See images of 70 million year old T-Rex soft tissue in this [above] post.

"Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies"

"A Tyrannosaurus rex fossil has yielded what appear to be the only preserved soft tissues ever recovered from a dinosaur. Taken from a 70-MILLION-YEAR-OLD THIGHBONE, the structures look like the blood vessels, cells, and proteins involved in bone formation."

Soft tissue taken from a 70-MILLION-YEAR-OLD THIGHBONE of a T-rex???

What poppycock!

soft tissue t-rex

Item at the National Geographic Society site....

According to modern science, SOFT TISSUE from a T-rex has survived for 70-MILLION-YEARS.

....Do you really, really, believe that SOFT TISSUE from a T-rex has survived for 70-MILLION-YEARS???

"Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies"
Quote: has been proven, that petrification of organic material can take place, in less than 20 years.

rapid petrification

Think of the consequences of this *fact*, on our understanding of the age of [dinosaur] fossils.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #9 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 9:38am
Religion is probably a consequence of evolution.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #10 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 10:13am
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 6:17am:
Charles Darwin wrote 'The Origin of the Universe' in 1859, and that book caused most of the remaining principles by which human life was understood in religious terms to go up in smoke.

The Christian church resisted Darwin with vigour, and mostly still does. 'Creation Science' is nothing more than ignorant rantings reflecting a frightened and dying religious mentality.

No. Evolution and the Abrahamic religion of the Christian bible can not go hand in hand. If you believe one, you cannot believe the other.

The church was critical of Darwin for over 100 years then issued an apology, ahh the hypocrisy of religion.

Islam believes in Evolution its just that muslims do not believe it applies to humans!

Muslims will say we did not come from monkeys,its easier for them to believe we were made from mud and dirt because that is what the Quran states in sura 38:71.

The Quran clearly states we were made from mud and dirt which is not compatible with science!
With Quran translations read all 3 by Yusef Ali,Pickthal and Shakir to get by that mistranslation nonsense.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #11 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 10:17am
Yadda wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 8:55am:
[size=18]Evolution, is a theory.
Evolution, is a theory.
Evolution, is a theory.

Evolution is a scientific fact the theory explains how it happens.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #12 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 10:24am
If you are saying that religion (and I am talking specifically about the Christian religion here, but comparisons with other religions could be interesting) is incompatible with evolution because of the creation story, your argument only holds good if we are looking at Creationists, or Fundamental Christians, who are very much in the minority.  Even Dawkins sees a difference between "young-earth creationists", who he describes as ignorant, and mainstream Christianity.
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Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece.
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #13 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 10:59am
muso wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 9:38am:

Religion is probably a consequence of evolution.

"Mankind, just look at our history"
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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Is Religion compatible with Evolution?
Reply #14 - Aug 11th, 2011 at 11:06am
Baronvonrort wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 10:17am:
Yadda wrote on Aug 11th, 2011 at 8:55am:
Evolution, is a theory.
Evolution, is a theory.
Evolution, is a theory.

Evolution is a scientific fact

.....the theory explains how it happens.


Don't be naive.

Not all, but much of modern science and its conclusions, are the result of human supposition [and sometimes, even the result of scientific fraud].

That is a fact.

supposition = = an assumption or hypothesis.

science, misconduct fraud

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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