Sir lastnail wrote on Aug 19
th, 2011 at 12:44pm:
boogieman wrote on Aug 19
th, 2011 at 7:53am:
Actually it wasn' written by ignorant peasants at all. And, further, Christianity as a religion did not fully exist until around 300 AD. Prior to that there were many small groups claiming differing beliefs in a God and all claiming to be the one religion. They had similar basics but different beliefs and rituals. You might say it was much like today where there are so many versions of Christians you can't count them.
The Bible as we know it did not exist until around 300 AD. Prior to that there were various documents that were written by what you call ignorant peasants. Given semi God like status today for some reason.
The person who had the Bible written as one book was the Roman Emperor Constantine who himself converted to Christianity and appointed himself head of this new religion.
He had his gathering of priests and scholars gather as much documentation as they could and instructed them to put it all together to make a cohesive narrative, convincing to the minds of that time.
It has been since rewritten of course and many things have been changed but Constantine is really the person who combined all those splinter religions into one. You see he had his writers include as many rituals and quotes as possible from all the smaller groups so they were included.
Brilliant strategy actually as he turned his enemies into followers by doing what he did.
Why did he become Christian himself? It was because of a dream he had just before yet another big battle. He dreamt he won the battle but he carried a large cross into and during that battle.
So you could say Christianity is all one man's dream, but however you look at it it is not real or true. There is no God.
They were ignorant peasants making incorrect and unsubstantiated claims about the origins of the Universe and then persecuting anyone that didn't tow their line

And the 3 day resurrection, virgin birth, heaven and hell are ideas that are all plagiarized from ancient religions.
That's what I said mate. I just included the relevant information so others might be able to Google it and see the facts.
You want to argue about who was an ignorant peasant and who wasn't? What on earth is your point with that. You have no idea what level of knowledge any of the writers of any of the documents had. In their time they were neither ignorant nor peasants. Or do you have CV's for each of them, including Constantine's "experts"?
First you'd need to be able to define what "peasant" meant in Jesus's era wouldn't you. You can't even do that. And "ignorant peasant" Ignorant of what? They may have been scholars of some things but not others. Does that imply ignorance? The rubbish that people claim about things they don't know! Really. Careful, bruised ego here.
Prove otherwise instead of such aggressive, sweeping statements.
The point I would have thought was that the Bible is a fake, a story and who gives a poo who wrote it and what they were?
Is your ego that shattered you have to fight about who is an ignorant peasant and who isn't? I feel pity for you in that case. Get a grip.
Maybe you'd like to discuss the Bible with me given you are such an expert on who wrote it.
Let's test you out shall we? Here's a few starters which you won't answer or be able to. How embarrassing.
In Genesis where are the words that first tell you it's a fake?
In Genesis where are the words that prove God was NOT a perfect creator?
Was Satan real?
What did Jesus's time alone in the desert tell us?
There you go. 4 simple ones to cut your teeth on. If you want to throw around how much you know it should be simple to answer these little questions.
Just ignore them as you don't know do you? You're just another know it all bully who demands attention.
You wanted to argue, you have an argument that you won't win. You will just look foolish if you try to compete. Up to you.