Bobby. wrote on Oct 9
th, 2011 at 10:04pm:
Horus is the sun God of Egypt. He was born of a virgin under a star in the east on December 25. He had 12 disciples was adorned by 3 Kings. Was a teacher at 12 Performed miracles Was known as lamb of God and the light. He was crucified dead for 3 days and resurrected 3000BC
Attis is the sun God of Greece. He was born of a virgin under star in the east on December 25. He had 12 disciples was adorned by 3 Kings. Was a teacher at 12 Performed miracles Was known as lamb of God and the light. He was crucified dead for 3 days and resurrected 1200BC
Mithra is the sun God of Persia. He was born of a virgin under star in the east on December 25. He had 12 disciples was adorned by 3 Kings. Was a teacher at 12 Performed miracles Was known as lamb of God and the light. He was crucified dead for 3 days and resurrected 1200BC Day of worship was Sunday
Krishna is the sun God of India. He was born of a virgin under star in the east on December 25. He had 12 disciples was adorned by 3 Kings. Was a teacher at 12 Performed miracles Was known as lamb of God and the light. He was crucified dead for 3 days and resurrected 900BC
Dionysus is the sun God of Greece. He was born of a virgin under star in the east on December 25. He had 12 disciples was adorned by 3 Kings. Was a teacher at 12 Performed miracles Was known as lamb of God and the light. He was crucified dead for 3 days and resurrected 200BC
Jesus Christ is the latest SUN God. He was born of a virgin under star in the east on December 25. He had 12 disciples was adorned by 3 Kings. Was a teacher at 12 Performed miracles Was known as lamb of God and the light. He was crucified dead for 3 days and resurrected
Good post, but some of the details are completely wrong. Many of these gods weren't crucified. Krishna certainly wasn't - and he wasn't known as the lamb of God.
Jesus's story certainly WAS put together from older pagan deities, but this doesn't mean there wasn't a real Yeheshua ben Joseph.
We know that his birthday was chosen to match the pagan festival of the Winter Solstice. We know that other details - such as the 3 wise men were added. This was a deliberate ploy to superimpose Christianity over paganism. It still happens today when Christianity comes in to take over cargo cults, etc. The stories and ideas are adapted. The Virgin Mary has taken the place of many pagan godesses.
Some other parallels between earlier pagan gods and the Jesus story are also interesting. The cave birth of Dionysis was turned into a stable. The riding into town on a donkey and having palm fronds placed in his path by an adoring crowd parallels with the story of Mithras, I think. It does sound all a little convenient.
But so what? Jesus still appears to people in dreams and near-death experiences. He still has a place in the collective unconscious. When praying to Jesus or Mithras or Dionysis or Krishna, you pray to a personality of the one God. Jesus is just an embodiment of God in the same way all these other deities are.
It becomes problematic when one faith starts saying their's is the best or the only way. Hare krishna's call Krishna the "supreme personality of Godhead." Christians say Jesus is the ONLY "way, truth and light". If this is true, no one could have had a religion before Christianity. Everyone other than Hare Krishnas are just wasting their time.
This is just fundamentalism, although the seeds are often contained in the original texts. In the Bhagivad Gita, Krishna says to offer him a flower. Today, many Krishna shrines are set up to do just that. But Krishna meant more than this. Jesus also said that no man shall come to God but through him. Was he talking about his own personality, or his evolved stage of Christ consciousness?
Deity worship has been around for a long time. It can serve a purpose. Atheism is just as misguided as fundamentalism, trying to prove its own story rather than looking at the benefits of spiritual paths and seeking to achieve them.
Sure, you can do it without deities or a notion of God - as Buddhists do, as many gnostics even do. But you do need a conception of something other than just your own ego.
This is where deities are useful. They can facilitate humility and awe. At the other end, of course, they can facilitate fundamentalism, so it's a dual edged sword.