... wrote on Aug 12
th, 2011 at 12:26pm:
Quote:Theres no certainty on an exact figure, but lets face it - if you haven't found a job after a year, you haven't been looking. Well I am afraid to say that is simply not so. People that are out of work for one year or more are classed as long term unemployed. (And there are many of them ) There are many rules and checks on the unemployed, and yes they do look for work.
They have to in order to be able to continue getting their benefits.
No, they have to SAY they've looked for work. This usually takes the form of looking through the phone book and writing random business names in their book - soemtimes actually done in the centrelink office! I've seen it wiv me own 2 eyes...
Hmmnnn...imagine being an employer of predominantly-low-skilled workers running a business in a high unemployment area - and being harassed on a daily basis throughout the year, by literally thousands of vulnerable, disadvantaged and/or otherwise 'unemployable' and dejected people, who are forced to make/document serial inquiries about non-existent work opportunities and rejections!?
A single parent friend of mine worked as a casual for PixiFoto for well over 5 years (plus various other jobs on-call over that time) - until she was recently laid-off when her store was closed...
When she first started at Pixi, a job vacancy Ad would yield about
20 genuine and at least partly-suitable applicants - a few of whose resumes would warrant an interview - and most of them receiving an actual response of some kind from the prospective employer...
Once the Howard Govt introduced Welfare to Slavery, a single job vacancy Ad would yield about
200 inquiries/applications - including a file-box full of written applications mostly from desperate mothers of young children - and sometimes with
none of the applications warranting a phone call much less an actual interview...and the highly-pressured, poorly-paid and inexperienced ridiculously-young managers often neglecting to respond to any of the applicants (and resenting associated ongoing harassment from Control-link chasing up whether the single mums had actually applied)...
Such a stupid wasteful, inefficient and counter-productive system designed by stupid pollies and bureaucrats - to benefit poorly-goaled privatised Job Network Parasites at the expense of everyone else!