With the exception of 'Young Earth Creationists'...I've met lots of Christians who accept both evolution AND fossil evidence of dinosaurs...
The YEC's are a relatively small percentage of Christians.....and even some other Christians think they're pretty dumb... [/quote]
I wonder how those Christians who are not YEC reconcile the content of Bible with evolution and the scientifically accepted age of the Earth?
It's quite clear that the Bible dates the earth at about 5,000 years. So if a Christian is not a young earth creationist, then they must have decided that parts of the Bible are false. So why believe the rest of it? How do you decide which parts are correct, and which are incorrect? [/quote]
It makes NO such assertion. in fact im the time it was written dates were rarely used and even then in the form of 'XX year in the reign of King XXX' [/quote]
Perhaps I should have been more clear. While the Bible doesn't specifically say what year the Earth was "created", that data can be calculated with reasonable accuracy by using other known times and durations that are given in the bible. Numerous Biblical scholars (eg Ussher) have made such a calculation, and the dates are invariably in the "thousands of years" scale when determined by information in the Bible.
While it's quite plausible that these estimates may be out by a few
thousand years, there is no way they are out by a few
billion years, which they would have to be for the YEC hypothesis to be taken seriously.
There is no plausible way that one could argue the bible depicts events which took place (as we know they did) billions of years ago.
Hence, many parts of the bible are demonstrably false. So, my question stands: How do Christians decide which parts of the Bible they believe, and which ones they don't?
And for that matter, how do they decide which moral judgements and positions should be adopted, and which should be left in the past? Do we still think rapists should be forced to marry their victims, for example? (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
The list of contradictions in the Bible are enough to make anyone's head spin, so how does one explain them and decide which of the contradictory statements is the correct one?
http://www.evilbible.com/contradictions.htmI'm being quite serious here. Trying to be somewhat objective, if someone presented you with a single book (whose origin is only explained by itself) as evidence, and on the opposing side you had the weight of scientific research and evidence, which side would you believe?
Let's face it people, the Bible is a wonderful storybook written by primitive, imperfect beings. It presents some good morals for society and I agree with many of the positions expressed therein. However, this does not change the fact that as a factually-accurate source of historical information it is sorely lacking. The Bible's demonstrable inaccuracies grow larger with every new scientific discovery. This is possibly why Christianity is a slowly dying religion and secularism is the fastest growing "religious" group in the developed World today.
Hello there,
You say you arer quite serious about what you are saying. Just above you'll find a post from me challenging anyone with faith to discuss your faith and beliefs.
Why have you ignored that challenge? I needn't ask really need I? As I predicted none of you has the actual strength of belief to accept my challenge. I say Christianity is a fraud and there is no God.
Show yopurself, discuss this and face the music instead of hiding down there beneath the pews. thinkin I can't see you. I can smell the sweat actually as you worry about the truth being shoved down your throat and you having to accept it as fact.
Yiou dare to say the Bible dates the earth at about 5000 years. You have not read the Bib le then as there is nothing at all about that in it.
If you Google The Big Bang image you will find an image of the Big Bang, the light from the afterglow. And the date opf that Bi gBang can be and has been measured. You see images travel at the speed of light so if we can see an image we can tell from the light forming that image how far away it is and how long the image took to get here.
This is called science and it's provable facts I am talking about here. The light from that image is actually many millions of light years away. Do you get that? Slightly older than 5000 years. We came from the Big Bang of course and we formed at the time of the BigBang and have been moving ever since.
But you are happy to believe the absolute pap ypu are spouting. I do feel sorry, not for you as you appear to be an idiot, but for any children you may have as you'll fill their headsa with the same crap yours is filled with. Non porous cement most likely.
Anyone up for a challenge? Gutless wonders. Won't stand up for your so called God huh? Does the name Peter ring a bell for any of you. Betray away.
And of course none of you has actually read the Bible. I have. That's why you let your faith fail so, you don't have the courage of you bullshit convictions do you? Cowards, the lot of you believers. Free crosses for all who try. BYO nails.