Yadda wrote on Aug 18
th, 2011 at 1:40pm:
This also assumes, that the only reality, is the one which we all see, hear, and feel, with our senses
[and also now, the reality which we can measure, with our machines].
In fact we humans have built machines and technology which can detect and 'sense', beyond our own human senses.
Visible light [i.e. light which is visible to humans], is a small part of the whole light spectrum.
Take the example of radio waves [a part of the wider 'light' spectrum];
500 years ago, radio waves effectively did not exist [within the human experience].
Why so?
Because we humans can not see 'invisible' radio waves.
But today, a human being of average intelligence, would not dream of claiming that radio waves do not exist.
With expanding human knowledge, what would have once been considered 'magic', becomes commonplace knowledge among men.
Today, modern man has technology, which [mostly] we all blandly take for granted.
An example of;
"Familiarity, breeds contempt."
Doesn't my argument clearly demonstrate, that it is very likely, almost certain, that there are likely to be further, un-discovered 'realities' beyond our ken, beyond the [present] knowledge of sceptics ?
And wouldn't it have been the sceptics of this present age, who, in another age, would have been among the most prolific of 'witch burners', 500 years ago ?
Those who today claim, that what is not commonly known [that which is not the common experience], is 'dangerous' heretical rantings ?