freediver wrote on Aug 18
th, 2011 at 8:18pm:
So what do you suggest we do about it? Ban certain companies from speaking out in their own interest?
The coal and tobacco companies are taking a huge risk with this. You cannot actually buy public opinion and the risk of backfire is not insignificant. Our democracy is mature enough to handle this.
We have far bigger problems with companies donating to political parties. That is where your concern should be.
Hmm, hit a nerve hey? Who is your sponsor?
BTW, this is how a little noticed issue becomes a bigger one. Bullying. Don't like it at all. Being told what to think or what to be concerned about. Not a fan. In your opinion our democracy is "mature enough to handle it"? Yet you nudged me to a less popular thread when my thread was as political as you can get.... Is this sort of "censoring" your version of a "mature democracy"? I can see what sort of democracy you subscribe to. Fair enough.
I suggest we ban foreign companies from political interference with our democracy.
Who the bugger do they think they are?
Our society is not about their multi billion dollar profits.
People who cannot vote in this country really ought to have no word in how it is run.
Isn't what they are doing in breech of media laws?
I think it is.
can buy public opinion, what a crock.
Now, how can I make this vomitus affront to our democracy backfire?
How can I increase their risks?
Guess I will start poking around and waking people up.
Thanks for bullying me into action