There's a good reason that cats have been accepted into the Hu's domains for thousands of years. Already in some of the most draconian shires there is a rodent problem.
Cats are being used as a scapegoat in Australia. It's not cats, who've been here longer than white settlers, that've caused the extinction event underway in Australia. It's people and their practices.
Apart from Hu's cats are the top predator. That makes them the most vulnerable part of the food chain. That's enviro-science 101. The east african savannah is wall to wall wilderbeest not wall to wall lion and cheetah. The reason is that wilderbeest are born ready to run. Lions and every other cat have a long infancy, this keeps cats in a home territory. If food becomes hard to find the cats die.
Cats are lousy predators of birds. Sure they can climb, but they're not monkeys. They climb for defence not attack. There are good predators of birds, they're other birds, having wings helps. But of course even then the sky is not filled with raptors, who've wiped out other bird species. Cat's stalk birds to hone their skills, they don't expect success. Sometimes they are successful, they catch the sick, old and stupid.
The Western ring tailed possum is an endangered species, in the bush, but in towns on the west coast where there are plenty of cats, the possums are in plague proportions. Roofs provide good habitat and food is plentiful. In this wine growing area it is virtually impossible to grow backyard grapes, possums defoliate the vines.
In the bush feral cats main food source is rabbit. A friend of mine was a roo shooter out on the nullarbor. When he started he'd shoot feral cats and foxes as a favour to farmers. And promptly got chewed for it. "what the hell do you think keeps down the rabbits" they told him.
The bad story on cats is baseless hysteria. There's no shortage of rabbits, rats and mice and nobody ever saw a fat cat chase anything.