News stories, you will
NOT see reported on Oz, ABC TV
News stories of moslem intimidation of, persecution of, violence against, and murder, of non-moslems, NOT being reported on the ABC TV [...well
i have never seen these stories being reported on the ABC TV].
Invariably, the 'moslem' related stories you see on ABC TV news are [to my mind] stories which always appear to propagate and promote ['calming']
falsehoods about ISLAM.
They always seem [to me], to be stories reporting how benign ISLAM is, and how benignly 'real', 'nice', moslems always act towards non-moslems.
And invariably, these 'moslem' stories you see on ABC TV news reveal how, invariably, moslems in today's world [i.e. post 9/11], are the victims of
prejudice and discrimination - by those hateful critics, and reactionaries, against an ISLAM which is only ever seeking 'harmonious' relations with non-moslems.
But what you will NEVER see in any of these 'moslem' stories presented on ABC TV, is any exploration, nor any probing questioning of devout moslems,
to explain why their ISLAMIC 'religious' texts apparently promote and encourage [moslem] violence against non-moslems ???
Nor do we see any attempt [by any ABC news correspondent] at questioning moslems to answer, if these clear exhortations to violence against non-moslems, within ISLAMIC 'religious' texts explain [inspire] the widespread, worldwide, instances of moslem violence against -non-moslems ???
Tonight, 2011-Sep-08 Thu, a US moslem woman whose husband was a victim of the 9/11 attack on the WTC, was portrayed as a victim, because she was a moslem....
"After 9/11 she....felt suffocated in New York and decided to move to Oklahoma."
And, she was quoted in the ABC news item, as portraying ISLAM [as her religion] as being a benign, and a non-harming philosophy....
"In Islam it doesn't say to do anything, harm people."
cited here....
Push to ban Islamic law from Oklahoma court cases
September 08, 2011
"There's a renewed push in the US state of Oklahoma to stop judges from considering Islamic law in deciding cases. Local muslim leaders are fighting the move, saying
it violates their rights and stigmatises their faith.
The group that's pushing for the change plans to campaign on the same issue in Australia.
....In the years that followed reported hate crimes against members of the Muslim community were almost unheard of in Oklahoma.
But that changed last year. A public campaign was launched to amend the [Oklahoma] state constitution to prohibit judges from considering sharia law in their decisions."
ABC online forums won't even allow me to post the details of these disturbing true stories, of moslems, commonly abusing and persecuting non-moslems, within majority moslem nations.
The ABC PC policy seems to be that they don't want to report any incidents, about moslems abusing non-moslems.
Even though these incidents of the moslem intimidation, and persecution, and murder of non-moslems [BECAUSE THEY ARE non-moslems] can be substantiated.
see also.... RELIGION OF PEACE