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Muslim let off for shooting policeman (Read 4289 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim let off for shooting policeman
Reply #30 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 1:11pm
A man acqitted of shooting and wounding police was a fervent and committed terrorist who wanted to carry out an attack in Australia

The Sydney born man admitted to supporting violent jihad and was inspired by the 2005 london terror bombing.
Justice Whealy found the man was a committed terrorist whose actions posed a significant danger to the community,his earliest release date is Nov 2019

Its not the first time a muslim has fired a weapon at police does anyone recall the drive by shooting of lakemba police station by a muslim?
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 146
Re: Muslim let off for shooting policeman
Reply #31 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 2:21pm
He's now in the state's highest-security prison, Supermax in Goulburn, serving a minimum sentence of 14 years and maximum of 18 years and eight months for terrorism-related offences.

But the question is, how many more are out there ready to blow us all to blazes?  And more arrive in boats every day.

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A cat with a view
Re: Muslim let off for shooting policeman
Reply #32 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 3:04pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 11th, 2011 at 12:14pm:

.....The liberal muslims

...are probably that way because they have not read the Quran or hadiths,How many christians get stuck after about 6/10 of the 10 commandments?


I have to disagree with you,    ....liberal moslems?
....i don't believe it.

The truth is that the PC term 'liberal moslem', is an oxymoron.

oxymoron = = a figure of speech or expressed idea in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.

A moslem cannot be a moslem, and a liberal, or a 'moderate' moslem.


Why so ?


there is no such thing, as a secular muslim

Anjem Choudary, Islam Cannot Survive in a Secular Society

Evidence from moslems, which supports my argument....


"It is not the function of Islam to compromise with the concepts of Jahiliyya which are current in the world or to co-exist in the same land together with a jahili system........"


The 'Jahiliyya' lifestyle is totally incompatible with ISLAM.

'Jahiliyya' [above]  = = un-ISLAMIC lifestyle

Jahiliyya is a result of the lack of Sharia law,

"....Jahiliyya is a result of the lack of Sharia law, without which Islam cannot exist;"
"...true Islam is a complete system with no room for any element of Jahiliyya"
"...all aspects of Jahiliyya...are "evil and corrupt" "

The 'Jahiliyya' [un-ISLAMIC] lifestyle is totally incompatible with ISLAM.

In fact, to devout moslems, the mere existence of non-moslem communities is viewed as insulting to the authority of ISLAM.

You see, moslems [in their own eyes] are superior, and 'deserve' to have 'authority', to rule the whole world, for Allah.


The truth is that if a moslem wants to locate a bigot, all he need do is look in a mirror.

And if we want to know where moslems learn their bigotry, all we need do is read a little of the Koran and Hadith................

"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98
[i.e. 'Unbelief' is a crime.]

"...And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah...Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan:.."
Koran 4.74-76
[i.e. Fighting against 'unbelievers' is sanctified, fighting against 'unbelievers' is 'good works'. Because 'unbelievers' [of Allah] are in league with SATAN. So those who are indeed, good moslems will fight against the 'unbelievers'.]

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them."
Koran 3.28

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Allah 's Apostle said, " I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' ...."
hadithsunnah/bukhari #004.052.196

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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