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Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl (Read 3518 times)
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Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Sep 12th, 2011 at 10:02am
Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl's clothes

A SIX-year-old boy placed in the care of a lesbian foster couple was dressed in girl's clothes and the humiliating pictures were posted on the couple's Facebook page.

One of the women was preparing for a sex change to become a man at the time, while her girlfriend was undergoing fertility treatment.

The boy and his 12-year-old sister have since been moved but former Children's Court magistrate Barbara Holborow yesterday called for a full inquiry into the decision to put them there. "Oh my God, what are we doing?" Ms Holborow, who has fostered eight children, said.

Families Minister Pru Goward has demanded a full explanation from child welfare service Barnardos, which had recruited the couple.

"I am seeking advice from Barnardos to confirm that care arrangements were appropriate and the wellbeing of the children was paramount," Ms Goward said yesterday.

The children's story, described as one of the saddest in the state, has been revealed in a Supreme Court judgment posted last month in Children's Law news compiled by the NSW Children's Court.

Their mother had tried but failed in the Supreme Court to win back custody of her son, given the pseudonym Campbell by the court.

His current foster parents want to adopt him.
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #1 - Sep 12th, 2011 at 10:12am

Not really suprising a couple of man-hating lesbos using (abusing) a six yr old male child for their own amusment; no doubt some feeb excuse or justification will be duly provided by buzz or greens.  Angry
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #2 - Sep 12th, 2011 at 11:46am
Yes this is a horrible example of the lack of scrutiny by those in charge of the lives of these unfortunate children.

One consolation is that the little boy wasn't murdered, but let's hope that a lesson has been learnt from this. At least an inquiry is being demanded into how this was allowed to happen.
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #3 - Sep 12th, 2011 at 4:51pm

This is another example of how a politically correct stance brings "freedom" to a miniscule minority while trampling the rights of the majority. In this instance the "majority" are defenseless children, no vote , no say and no rights other than the socially engineered direction taken by the overseeing government department,  filled to the brim with politically correct imbecile public servants who march to the Fabian beat. They do not make policy; they regurgitate the corrupt social engineering policies adopted from their Fabian head office in the UK.

Communism and socialism was on the nose in the first world for the past 50 years, so the strategy of power from the ballot box was not practical, but a fifth column of activists indoctrinated at uni and ready to fill the " decision making positions" in the public service was the strategy, it worked.

Re the dykes, they have all the rights that a heterosexual couple has, and like heterosexuals there are those with competent parenting skills and those with lifestyles and ideas that are dangerous and damaging to the child.

That an agency can give a child to a couple who have a gender re assignment issues right now is criminally negligent in regard to placing the child in a stable domestic environment.  One year after re assignment would be the prudent time to begin an evaluation into the suitability of a placement.

Male gender re assignment to a female finds the vast majority keeping to the role of heterosexual female with a male partner, they don't turn dykie and chase women. But in the lesser common re assignment of female to male,  a large percentage enter into homosexual relationships with men,  psychologists don't know why but I would surmise it is hormone driven, but why the reverse is not apparent is unknown.

This re assignment candidate and new daddy will have the best of all sexual worlds, a cornucopia of identity choices. He will have his wife, who wants to have a child for them, he will have, or should I say does now have a template for a transvestite child who has a penis should he get a bit faggy, and there is always faithful Rover, should bestiality take his fancy. Apart from the last flippant remark the issue is not not sexuality but identity, this couple are not the usuall homosexual paring where they are happy with their sexual identity.  

How degenerated is this woeful socially engineered society the Fabians have foisted on us through the placement of regurgitating imbeciles in key community and social management roles.  Kangaroos take better care of their joeys than we do our kids, but we take better care of their joeys than we do our own kids, that is political correctness in motion.

Last year Australian uni's produced half the engineering degrees of a generation ago, but social engineers are in every government office and most bullsheiser community advocacy groups.
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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2011 at 5:01pm by sonofgloin »  
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #4 - Sep 22nd, 2011 at 9:28am
How terrible. Everyone knows you can't force a 6 year old boy to wear his mother's shoes.

You can't stop him.
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #5 - Sep 23rd, 2011 at 1:32pm
Love the sound of clashing PC orthodoxies in the morming...

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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #6 - Sep 30th, 2011 at 1:55pm

An American boy with lesbian parents is taking hormone blocking treatment to stop him going through puberty as a boy as part of his quest to become a girl.

Thomas Lobel, who calls himself Tammy, wears dresses and lives as a girl.

His lesbian mothers, who adopted him when he was two, have been criticised but say the decision is his.

The Daily Mail reported that Thomas' parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, say he is now much happier.

Thomas liked to read Wonder Woman comic books and play with dolls.

By the age of seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, he was diagnosed with gender identity disorder.

"As soon as we let him put on a dress, his personality changed from a very sad kid who sat still, didn't do much of anything to a very happy little girl who was thrilled to be alive," Pauline told CNN.

Thomas has now started taking the hormone-blocking drugs.

The hormone-suppressant will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair.The diagnosis has been hard to accept for Tammy's parents, but they insist their sexuality has nothing to do with it.

Pauline told The Daily Mail: "People think we're pushing her to do this. I'm a lesbian. My partner is a lesbian. That suddenly falls into the fold: 'Oh, you want her to be part of the lifestyle you guys live'."
But they insist that is not the case and the decision has been difficult.

If Thomas stops taking the drugs, male puberty will resume.

Just a coincidence, of course.   Angry
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #7 - Sep 30th, 2011 at 2:01pm
... wrote on Sep 30th, 2011 at 1:55pm:
Just a coincidence, of course.   Angry

Maybe, maybe not.
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #8 - Sep 30th, 2011 at 2:15pm

..............he was diagnosed with gender identity disorder...........

a boy being bought up by 2 lessos hates being a boy ........ I see the obvious link up there.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #9 - Sep 30th, 2011 at 2:29pm
Unfortunately the state of the research is somewhat limited. The numbers of people involved in studies that might answer this sort a question are generally too small to be statistically relevant.

I'm not convinced it is a problem even if they are more likely to gay / want to change genders.
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #10 - Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:00am
Personally I don't think that it's anything out of the ordinary for a young boy to want to try out dressing as a woman.
It doesn't mean that he is gay or wants to be gay. More probably, he is naturally discovering the meaning of empathy and wants to put himself in other's shoes (so to speak). And after all...All the world's a stage.

That being said, it would be remiss of the lesbian parents not to realise that they will never be able to replace the natural environment of a near perfect hetero couple - but where does that ever exist?
History is not lacking in hetero parents who have desired a child of a certain gender and who have then brought up that child to fit in with their own selfish desires.

Yes, on the surface, it may seem to be somewhat damning evidence to see a young boy of lesbian parenthood photographed in women's clothing, but it doesn't display the true story by a longshot.
If the kid is gay, then he will grow up to be gay. If not, then he will always have tendencies towards the opposite sex which will never be curtailed by gay parents. I think that we should've learned that by now.

On the other side of the coin, there has been many a macho hetero father (mostly fathers) who have raised their sons to be as macho as themselves only to come to the stark realisation that their son is gay.
Most of those gay sons will struggle with a lie for a lot of years before finally accepting themselves as they are.

I don't see any connection with true the sexual orientation of children in regards to their parents. What needs to be discouraged is the egotistical selfishness of parents who feel the need to raise a clone of themselves.

Surely the uniqueness of a child is something great to celebrate.

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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #11 - Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:12am

it's pretty unusual for a boy to want to cut his penis off.

if he is bought up by lessos you really HAVE to consider that as a reason

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #12 - Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:28am
it's pretty unusual for a boy to want to cut his penis off.

Is that correct? I didn't see that bit.

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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #13 - Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:36am
i did

..........By the age of seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself....
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Lesbian foster couple put six year old boy in girl
Reply #14 - Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:51am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:36am:
i did

..........By the age of seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself....

Still didn't see it, but if you could point me to it then I would be of the opinion that the pathetic man-hating lezzos should be hanged.

Nevertheless, it's pretty poor form to be posting those pics on facebook.
It does sound as though those lezzos have some serious issues.

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« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2011 at 1:00am by Amadd »  
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