Soren wrote on Sep 19
th, 2011 at 5:18pm:
Grey wrote on Sep 18
th, 2011 at 11:33am:
If the founding fathers (and mothers) of the state of Israel weren't the most crap thinking, ultraright bunch of racists, we wouldn't have this problem. It's easy to see that the Zionist support base hasn't changed much, Soren, Yadda et al.
It's good to know that you think most countries are ultra right and racist, as most countries recognise Israel.
The Palaetinian Arabs' misery stems from the fact that they don't.
If... ... they would welcome such an economic, scientific and cultural powerhouse in their midst. Israel could be their lifeline to the modern world. Soren, soren, sometimes the things that you say leave me gobsmacked. You see I couldn't agree more, (leaving out the unnecessary and insulting) The return of the other people of the region, the Jewish diaspora, should indeed have been a joyous event. The children of the diaspora brought with them new knowledges, friends, contacts, energy and money. Handled well it could indeed have been a win/win arrangement.
But the Zionist leadership, Jabotinsky, Ben Gurion and their ilk, unfortunately did not want that. You know as well as I, for I'm sure you have read the writings, that what the Zionists were hell bent on, was to take the land and drive the Palestinians away. That's why Adolf Eichmann exclaimed, "If I was a Jew I'd be a zionist" . That's what I meant by saying the foundations were ill made. That's why Avigdor Lieberman is the foreign minister (and still deputy PM no?). The knowledges that built Israels foundations are still supporting the rotten structure.
Can bad foundations be made good? It's possible, but it's not easy.
And yet, strangely, it was the other Arab nations that started the problems ( not the Arab population of Palestine/Israel, but Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,Iraq and Lebanon)........The Arab population of the Mandate would have received everything that they are NOW campaigning for, in 1948...