abu_rashid wrote on Sep 21
st, 2011 at 10:40pm:
The white man's burden is his guilty conscience for all the mayhem and suffering he's caused, that's about it.
It may be so, brother Abu, but our lovey Soren gives to Mother Theresa, Red Cross, World Visions, many charities. It is all good.
I think she is sad for the white man. She wants him to be strong again, like a good husband. She fears the certainty and resolve of the tinted races, and laments the demise of Mother England. She remembers our empire's dear Queen Victoria, who believed that the purpose of civilization is to protect the chastity of the young ladies, may Gud bless them.
Now the young ladies wears cloth and makeup, takes intoxicants, makes sexy with young man, it is no good, brother. Now, only the Taliban can restore the chastity our sister Soren longs for. But our sister fears this new empire. Why?
The future, friends, lies in Pakistan. Here, they send many fighters to Afghanistan. They make jihad with India and Kashmir. They have the world's best schools and madrassahs. They also have a big bomb.
Kabesh, the floods are bad again this year. From this rain and mud, however, many flowers shall bloom for jihad. Insh'allah, many shall join the struggle in Afghanistan and Kashmir.
This is what our sister means by the white man's burden, my brother.