An old thread on this topic: is an interesting argument made by Abu - rather than simply giving the same punishment (death by stoning) for apostasy and treason, Abu actually thinks that apostasy and treason are the same thing. That is, if you change your mind about religion, that is treason, despite the fact that Islam supposedly tolerates non-Muslims within that nation.
abu_rashid wrote on Jan 26
th, 2012 at 8:28pm:
fd, as you've been informed on more than one occasion, Islam is a nation (ummah), and abandoning it is indeed treason.
This leads to the obvious question, does believing something make it true? For example, if I believed that rejecting my religion is the same as having sex with dogs, does that mean that people are actually comitting bestiality by rejecting my religion? Or does it just mean that I am confused?
Why is Abu's argument about treason any different?
Another interesting argument:
abu_rashid wrote on Jan 26
th, 2012 at 2:07pm:
Unlike your flippant faith, Islam is a rock solid belief system, those who enter it usually do so with very firm conviction in its truthfulness. That's why it does not bother us what the penalty is for committing treason against it, since we have no intention to do so.
If it is so rock solid, why the need for the death penalty? Surely the death penalty is the exact opposite - proof that the religion is on shaky ground and cannot survive without some kind of coercion. If it really was so rock solid, Islam would be genuine about 'no compulsion in religion' rather than the hypocritical lip service it gives the concept.
It effectively creates a faith ratchet. People can convert to Islam, but then they are stuck forever. Apparently their offspring are too, though Abu has been pretty shy about clarifying this. This obviously played a big part in the spread of the empire as it is a pretty good way of gluing a society together - killing anyone who does not adopt the nation with religious devotion. It is why the nation could not adapt in the same way other empires (eg the British and its offspring) have. The only way out was complete collapse. The modern middle east is the waste that was left behind, and no-one can figure out what to do with it.
If you don't believe me, ask Abu whether Shites are apostates, and you will get an idea of the mess that Islam left behind.