As two new boats arrive, Labor calls Tony Abbott a friend to people-smugglers
James Massola From: The Australian September 23, 2011 2:04PM
Julia Gillard attacks the Coalition for opposing its Malaysia Solution following the arrival of two new asylum-seeker boats.
JULIA Gillard has blamed Tony Abbott for the arrival of two new asylum-seeker boats, saying his refusal to back her Malaysian Solution made him responsible for the unauthorised vessels and all others that would follow.
With Australia's border protection system still in limbo, the Prime Minister today urged Mr Abbott to rethink his position and support the government amendments to put offshore processing beyond doubt.
“If Mr Abbott ends the ability of government to process offshore then he must also take the responsibility for the consequences that that lack of resolve will send to people-smugglers,” she told reporters in Canberra.
Now this is good coming from her, the leader of the party that tore apart a working border protection program only to install a failed one.
She now has the temerity to say Abbott is the best friend people smugglers ever had.
This government blantant hypocrasy and gross incompetence knows no bounds.