Gimme Gimme
Ugly news media bias from extremist big mining paid shill Andrew Bolt is a fan of shocking hate speech politician Geert Wilders.
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Andrew Bolt, Geert Wilders and radical imams are all dangerous men. When the racist Dutch politicians, Geert Wilders released his anti-Islam polemic, Andrew Bolt, the Herald Sun's resident clown, decided to poke the bear and put Wilders' video on the Hun web pages.
Yes we do have free-ish speech in this country, but why would Bolt decide to prove it by publishing this extremely dangerous video?
Wilders, like Bolt, and like the radical Muslims, have an very similar ability to de-contextualise the Koran to prove a point. Wilders and Bolt cherry pick sections to "prove" Islam is not a religion of peace, while radical Muslims take tiny snippets of the book to justify violent actions or anti-Christian/Jewish attitudes.
Both groups (radical Islam and extreme conservatism/racism) use similar methods to attract followers, and their support is based on ignorance, suspicion, and identity politics. Fear is their tool, and sensible debate is their enemy.
Where would Bolt be if his followers actually read the Koran and had the ability to interpret it? Where would radical imams be if their followers had a sensible religious framework to understand the text rather than having random violent sections rammed down their throat?
Anyone could cherry pick sections of the Bible and declare that Christianity is a fundamentally violent religion. Sure this would be intellectually childish, and this sort of debate would be understandably condemned, but when it comes to the Koran, our extremist commentators just go for it.
Geert's greatest recruiting officer is Osama bin Laden and OBL would be absolutely thrilled that the Dutch MP has released the film. If Bolt understood this fact, he would not have rebroadcasted the film, and he would not have opened up his blog to ignorant people expressing ignorant opinions.
Like "Islam merely wants to kill all Jews and christians!" Great, and you wonder why some Muslims feel a little bit concerned in this country.
It is a profound lack of knowledge, much of it spread by the likes of Bolt, Wilders, Jones et al, that encourages situations like Camden and Cronulla.