edB wrote on Oct 14
th, 2011 at 8:23pm:
This government seriously doesn't deserve to stay in power. I am not saying that lightly. They have been abysmal and almost everything they have touched they have made a mess of.
edB wrote on Oct 14
th, 2011 at 8:23pm:
Abbott is not the leader for the coalition - they have better quality candidates and generally better "real" world experience than labor.
Disagree....the change to Abbott started the slide for Labor. Until then there was no political alternative. He has single handedly smashed the ALP.
edB wrote on Oct 14
th, 2011 at 8:23pm:
The Greens are just plain dangerous
Can't argue with that comment
edB wrote on Oct 14
th, 2011 at 8:23pm:
- What we need is a revamped Australian Democrats party. A real alternative with real policies.
I disagree, fence sitters are useless. The Demoncrats are evidence of that.
edB wrote on Oct 14
th, 2011 at 8:23pm:
I am so tired of people running this country that have never been responsible for putting the pay packets of employees in their pockets. What we need is a few good candidates from the small business sector - these people really are the working poor yet they continue the battle. We need backbone and principle to make a comeback to Australian politics.
Maybe i should just start my own party - any takers.
This sector and indeed the so-called mega rich will always be outnumbered by the 'downtrodden' masses in a democracy.
25% of tax payers pay 64% of income tax.
You could say that the Coalition represents that top 25% and the smart ones from the other 75% (likely your working poor you mentioned) that know that their standard of living relies on not strangling the top 25% because that would be killing the golden goose.