Doctor Jolly wrote on Oct 18
th, 2011 at 8:03am:
All Abbot has got is the polls in his favour.
As a member of parliment, he has the worst record of any opposition leader in our history, as far as influencing policy, and making refinements.
Quite amazing when the government doesnt have a majority in the lower or upper houses.
Polls slip, Abbott gone.
Are you kidding? Abbott's "stop the boats" game influenced the Malaysian solution. Gillard has been playing catch-up politics with Abbott since day one.
Abbott is the best opposition leader in living memory - if you count opposing things as best, which it generally is.
It's a pity Abbott has no substance to back it up, but I doubt those polls will slip too much. Abbott is here to stay.
The retards will have a quick moment of jubilation when he gets in - but it will be a very shortlived pleasure - like sniffing amyl nitrate. When reality sets in, they won't be too pleased at all.
Still, this is all about
shadenfreud - taking pleasure in the misery of others. Right now, they're just happy watching Gillard go down.