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Humanity and the Earth's environment
Everything that exists is made of energy, and this has been accepted as scientific fact for quite a long time now. However Quantum Physics is in the process of discovering that this energy at its most basic level is very homogenous, and also reacts to thought, and thus is conscious. The three, Consciousness, Energy and Matter, serve to manifest all of creation in its magnificent multitudes into the one single whole that we call life. Therefore if energy is conscious then every single thing on our planet has some form of life ensouled within it. Indeed the whole planet itself could be conceived as having its own divine spark or soul, with its own creative intention and its own temporary though very long lifetime. In fact this planets intention was to bring forth a reality, from the endless ocean of undifferentiated energy that we call space, that would provide an oppurtunity for life to evolve into all its potential splendour. This reality is what we call our planetary environment. All to rarely is it looked upon in this way, with it usually being pure and simply taken for granted, or regarded as a resource to be taken advantage of.
Every single thing that serves to stimulate our conciousness into awareness relies on the existence of this environment/reality we call planet Earth. Our conciousness is stimulated via way of our senses, and all our sensory perceptions are given to us by our surrounding environment. While its obvious that we rely on this environment for our physical well being, what isn't so obvious is the fact that we also rely on it for our very spiritual/conscious existence. With out this reality, and other universal bodies like it, there would be nothing but endless undifferentiated energy or space. Consciousness would not and could not exist.
Each and every one of us have two divine responsibilities. First of all we must learn to take full responsibility for our own actions/inactions and behavior, along with all their subsequent consequences. Secondly we all have a responsibility to passionately both protect and enjoy the wonderful reality this being called Earth has provided for us. To do this effectively it is crucial that we use all of the tools that divinity has given us. Namely our intellect, with its ability to think both logically and intuitively, our sensuality and its ability to experience both physical and emotional pleasure or pain, and our heart with its ability to reconcile and balance these other tools in a tender and compassionate way.
We are meant to enjoy the sensual and material opportunities that this reality presents to us. It is the major reason why it has come into being, to offer the Creating Consciousness/God a chance to know, experience, share and evolve itself. All the myriad of beautiful sights, wonderful sounds, delicious tastes and pleasure filled feelings, along with their opposites, are the mechanics behind this process. This sensual side of reality does have to be balanced though, by way of our intellectual capacity, which is the closest part of our being to the true Self, the original source of all creation. Initially our intellect serves to help us learn the difference between pleasurable and painful situations, with an ignorant mind always seeking the former and trying to completely avoid the later. However an enlightened mind is aware of the true purpose served by this duality, and enjoys life's pleasures as they naturally occur, while using painful situations as opportunities for conceiving better ways of doing things.
Of all the life forms that have emerged from this reality, mankind has proven itself to be unique in this regard. Whilst we are far from perfect, we have always shown glimmers of our possible potential, and our current civilisation attests to this. All other less evolved animals are strictly bound in the sensual side of reality, with their minds being unable to conceive of ways to lessen their suffering whilst preserving their life's pleasures. It has been this intellectual difference and corresponding technological developments that have allowed mankind to evolve to such a degree that it can now bring about circumstances effecting consciousness in ways that go above and beyond what the planet has been able to provide of its own accord. Our presence here in this advanced technological state of being is critical for the emergence of divine states of consciousness on any major scale. This state of consciousness cannot be achieved by natural means alone, nature is red of tooth and claw, and mankind needs technological advancements to provide its masses with the necessary conditions in which they can imagine, wonder, and dream. Without our technological achievements human beings would be left filling each and every moment of their day with chores of simple survival, little more then intelligent animals.
So in summarising, our planet has manifested itself so as to offer a temporary oppurtunity for the dynamic aspect of creation, which is life and human kind its highest form, to evolve to a sufficiently high degree that the Creating Consciousness or God might achieve self awareness through it on a grand scale. Humanities destiny is to harmoniously unify all of creations vast number of dualities into one beautiful and wondrous whole, and our relationship with the Earth's environment is an example of this.