The point is that we are fast running out of ingredients to make the cake. It won't be long until there will be no more cake. This planet's resources are finite and we have wasted our valuable resources for too long.
It is now that people are starting to wake up and realise that we have extremely limited time left to live any type of reasonable or bearable lifestyle if we keep up the same practices. It is already too late to maintain this current lifestyle so we will be forced to change our greedy ways.
The trouble is that we are now addicted to endless spending and governments realise that if they suddenly withdraw the supply we will revolt or at least they will lose elections.
The system we have is designed for growth, that's what keeps us employed, supplies taxes to government and gives the poor hope that they can one day join in the fun.
The problem is that the world has grown too fast and there is no further room to grow. We must adapt to life where economic growth doesn't exist. We have no choice. We can either plan for the transition or or let it unfold for itself.
The exponential growth fairy is dead. I'm hoping that this great depression that we are coming into will go a long way in changing the habits that we have gotten used to. It could well be our saviour. A few years without growth could set the pattern for sustainability.
I highly recommend either one of these books, easy to understand and straight to the point. Both published 2011.
The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of a New World by Paul Gilding
Great Disruption by Paul Gilding