NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 6
th, 2011 at 9:51pm:
Sappho wrote on Nov 6
th, 2011 at 1:07pm:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 6
th, 2011 at 10:03am:
Annie Anthrax wrote on Nov 6
th, 2011 at 9:56am:
Cults don’t necessarily destroy the family unit and religion doesn’t always promote it.
And not that secular disciplines are averse to shunning... The treatment of the mathematician Georg Cantor by his peers was closer to persecution than honest critique.
Well... Annie and Helian... I pass the banner to you since my attempt at finding a functional difference between cults and religion has not met your standards. Gizmo still needs an answer you see and you two, based on your ability to critique my attempt show a greater understanding of the functional differences than me.
And there must be a functional difference between them or else why on earth would their be different definitions of the words right?
Over to you then....
Why waste time defining a difference?
Oh I don't know... maybe because the English language sees a significantly distinct difference between them... so much so as to give each a different name and variance in meaning associated with those different names!
But what the hey... who cares about meanings given to words eh? Much better to narrow our world view to that which is Helian's experience... yes?
Perhaps then... the distinction that has been provided is a functional distinction after all and what we have from you and Annie is nothing more than an attempt at redefining word to suit your own world view rather than the world view as expressed in current and reputable dictionary definitions.
Quote:Religions have been cults and many cults have been spawned from religion (whatever either of them are, if not the same)...
Yes... and? Link that to the thread please, which is about turning Science into a Religion.
Quote:My first post on this thread may have been intended to be humorous, but there was a point... That all religions have a founding tenet, a profession of faith... Islam declares itself in its call to prayer, Christianity with the Apostles Creed, Buddhism with the four noble truths...
Are you suggesting that Science does not have a 'profession of faith' upon which all else is founded?
You would be wrong if you thought that.
Quote:Seems if you want to turn science into a religion... Start with a profession of faith, tenet(s) or founding statement...
Like say... From Knowledge comes Truth...
Is that a good start?
No it is not. It would certainly make for a nice little mantra but that is all.
What about the axioms of mathematics, of which there can be no proofs, which science must concede to, in good faith, if it is to pursue knowledge?