olde.sault wrote on Nov 7
th, 2011 at 12:01pm:
Why do you face facts?
Was there that as much crime in the days of strict discipline at school?
I don't remember youngsters being snatched off the streets, don't even remember the word "paedophile"
Teachers weren't attacked, there was always bullying but not to the extent when kids are ambulanced to a hospital!
People answered the knock on the door and many hadn't even locked their front door. . .
You mean to say that without the cane we have a better society?
Ha - ha-ha!
Sorry, Salty, but you've got the wrong end of the stick there, if you think that our broader
society economy is doing anything to teach our kids self-discipline!
Seriously, how could any of the pervasive culture of wanton materialism - and associated insidious marketing assaults on a child's self-esteem (i.e. you're not good enough if you don't look like this, if you don't have that) - be undone by a few cuts of a cane or a ruler!?
I know that the cane had deterred some bad behaviour and as far as I can remember, the incorrigible preferred the cane to writing lines during the lunch hour.
Anyone who has lived as long as I would know the conditions of yesteryear to that of today.
There was a time when I (a woman) could travel by train to the city at night and get home safely.
At the time blokes had tried a pick-up but I ignored them and they hadn't persevered.