Quote: grey wrote
Even an authoritarian conservative should be able to see that the fact the law was made only by men, and was selective and
oppressive of women, is of some relevance.
Laws were/are made to benefit, rather than oppress. But if we play the oppressive card, then given that it was only the few who ruled, then many men would have been oppressed as well.
Yet, I don’t go in for this reinterpretation of all history as oppressive. As I said before, that is a slavish reinterpretation of the past predicated on the illusion everyone ought to be free, and that this freedom is even possible. The problem is, with freedom comes responsibility. That’s a point all postmodernists, anarchists, feminists, and socialists like to ignore. Their view of freedom is purely negative and not positive. Negative freedom is a do what thou wilt freedom, but with positive freedom there comes responsibility. The responsibility to command oneself, to discipline oneself; only the few can do it and that’s why only the few ought to rule. The vast majority cannot command themselves and therefore need a higher authority to keep the order. The undisciplined need to be kept in line for the benefit of the community.
Quote: grey wrote
Quaker communities perhaps?
I am sure they still had theological doctrine of some description despite their rejection of ritual.
Still, I find your lack of evidence to produce a society run free of any coercion telling.
Quote: grey wrote
You're right I cannot conceive a situation absolutely free of coercion anymore than you can conceive being happy under
absolute authority, (you can't can you?).
The first part of your sentence is correct, you can’t conceive of a society free of coercion because it’s based on an illusion. But what is this “I can’t conceive of being happy under authority”?! Of course I can. Authority is necessary to maintain order. Without authority there is chaos, not even anarchy, simply chaos. Why hate what is necessary? The Stoics had this one wrapped up millennias ago; what is necessary is not worth worrying about.
Not only that, without authority we have no culture, no technology, no aspirations. Authority mainatins a neccesary order so productive things can happen.
Quote: grey wrote
No the opposite is true. The Anarchist's is a joyful energy. You can see the anger in your writing, not in mine. What do
you know of LIFE? The control and domination of all things is what drives the Bolshevist and the Fascist and like frustrated children when things don't turn out the way you expect you get angry. Our art isn't angry, it's fun. We like to shake you up a bit and hope that something will shock you enough to make you actually think for yourself.
Thanks for the laugh. Authority and power always exist. There is never a vacuum. Even Foucault, the postmodern hyper-liberalist, knew we were slaves to history and there’s no escaping it. Rage all you like, authority will always exist regardless. The will to power, man’s drive to stamp his impression on the world, is man’s
being. Even you anarchists are driven by the instinct to stamp your view on the world. But you basically have a hissy fit when someone else’s worldview overrides your own.
Even your hatred of Scruton’s conception of beauty and love of Emin’s art is a will to power over others. But you’re not honest enough to admit that.
Quote: grey wrote
Tracey Emin puts a 'used condom'by her bed, but there's no cum in it, that would dry out, so she squirts in some silicon. You poor
regimented souls, you're so predictable. It IS funny, but also sad. Snap out of it, THINK, is this really how you want to live your life? Playing MONOPOLYtm? Looking at repro reality and saying 'isn't it beautiful'? Well really, whoodda thunk? Take a walk in the park at midnight, Tear up some red tap... Look, You've inspired me I have to go be creative.
Putting silicon in a franger is art? Any fool can do that. Just like that idiot who defecated in a tin and presented it as art. Your art is ugly.
Quote:grey wrote
One last thing. Scientific method is all about observation. It's more about meditation than control. It doesn't matter how things turn out, you learn anyway.
I see you know little about scientific method. What’s this “it doesn’t matter how things turn out”? What’s the point of engaging in it in the first place then? It matters a great deal on “how things turn out,” in fact, this is the last, and most important, step in the scientific methodology. Acquiring results that are repeatable on a universal scale is the scientist’s dream, it is here that they have stamped a universal maxim on the world and then can be ascribed to that maxim. (Sounds a bit fascist, doesn’t it?) Ironically, this places scientists at complete odds with anarchists.
On another relevant point: Why didn’t you respond to my queries on why you take advantage of all the goods and services created under authority while hating that authority? You know, like transport, medicine, food, clothing, shelter, sewage works, computers etc. etc. etc. If you were honest you would discard all your comforts because they were created under authoritarian structures.
This is why I see anarchists as a bit of a joke. It’s kind of like an adolescent rage completely deviod of rationality.