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Australian Politics
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South West NSW
matty wrote on Nov 15 th, 2011 at 8:53am: gizmo_2655 wrote on Nov 15 th, 2011 at 8:11am: matty wrote on Nov 15 th, 2011 at 7:50am: gizmo_2655 wrote on Nov 14 th, 2011 at 11:49pm: matty wrote on Nov 14 th, 2011 at 8:34pm: gizmo_2655 wrote on Nov 14 th, 2011 at 1:29pm: matty wrote on Nov 14 th, 2011 at 12:16pm: olde.sault wrote on Nov 14 th, 2011 at 5:52am: The IrRev. Bill Cruise had a fight on his hands last night on 2GB, he, all for gay being permitted to marry and most callers totally against this.
The objectors couldn't satisfactorily explain why they were anti so I'll do that for them.
As gays destroyed the word "gay" (no synonym quite covers its one-time meaning) so they'll trash the real meaning of "marriage".
No reason why they shouldn't be given rights to some ceremony but it'll have to have a different name. Exactly right. Gay marriage is an abomination unto the Lord, and makes a mockey of values, decency and overall mankind. So, matty.....does this mean EVERY marriage that takes place out side of Abrahamic religions is an abomination?? And what about the marriages that took place before the Abrahamic religions started up, were they all 'abominations' too???? Marriage is a social construct, that has been co-opted by the various religions.....simply for control purposes. Gizmo, marriage is a covenant between God, man and woman. Man-man and woman-woman marriages are an absolute disgrace, and an abomination unto the Lord. Matty, men and woman were getting married looooonnnnggg before the Abrahamic God (the god of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) was worshipped... 'Life mating' rituals existed as far back as the Stone Age, every culture has had some ritual or ceremony to indicate a life long bonding.... For all we know, the Neanderthals may have had a marriage ceremony too.... Gizmo, "marriage like" ceremonies, therefore quasi-marriage may have occurred, but not the marriage of today. Marriage as we know it began as the exclusive covenant between God, man and woman. Homosexuals taking part in this is a mockery and an insult to God and to mankind on general. Homosexual must be mocked, scorned and vilified as must as possible, and we as a good, decent, moral and ethical nation must never even consider imposing such a wicked and vile thing. Rubbish many as half of the marriages carried out today have zero religious content...They have to met STATE standards (licensed celebrant etc) but not church or religious ones... And bear in mind, humans have existed for around 200,000 years, and Christianity has only existed for about 2000 years......the 'marriage-like' ceremonies have been around a whole lot longer than the religious influence (or the 'influence' of God for that matter) Besides, if you read the historical/mythological texts of almost any religion throughout human history, you'll find that deities generally don't give a tinker's cuss about the 'sanctity of marriage'... The Greek Gods certainly didn't...witness Hercules, illegitimate son of Zeus (who WAS married at the time) by a human woman...the Roman Gods were the same.. The Norse Gods used to descend to Earth for drunken orgies with their worshippers... Look at how often the term 'demigod' comes up throughout the writtings of humanity (a demigod is half human and half god) Even with the very basis of Christianity....the 'Virgin Birth' of two things happened there...Either God knocked up an unmarried virgin (and didn't marry her, which is against His own rules) OR He knocked up another man's wife....which is also a no no...... Well I totally disagree with you, gizmo. There is a difference between a general union, and the sacred bond and sacrament of marriage. I know what a demigod is, but the Greek gods didn't exist, they were pure fiction, and no one alive today follows that ancient religion anyway. Your last is pure blasphemy, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for uttering such filth. God decided that He would send down His son to free us mortals from our sins. He decided that Mary would be the perfect option as Mother of His child. Mother Mary was a mere mortal like the rest of us, but she was an example for all of us to follow as well. The angel Gabriel informed Mary that she was to be the bearer of God's child, conceived through the means of Immaculate Conception. It's only 'blasphemy' if I'm a Christian...which I'm not.. And in the last 6000 years there have been roughly 2870 'One True' Gods.... And, incidently, how do you KNOW the Greek Gods never existed?? Religions are not started by gods, they are started by men......and one of our (humans) major failings is that we hold people/beings we admire to completely impossible they gods, sports stars politicians or celebrities......and when they fail to meet our standards.....we crucify them (figuratively as well as literally)...