cods wrote on Nov 15
th, 2011 at 8:32pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Nov 15
th, 2011 at 6:37pm:
Exactly right
Moderation in all things is good advice.
I have heard that when H was used in cancer wards they were alot different with people actually able to function.
When they went to morphine everyone just became zonked out.
this is what people dont understand when my husband was dying he was given morphine by mouth by the nurse now its intravenous I believe,, we were told after 15 hits you were an addict... I asked myself what does it matter if you are dying..this was later when it all sunk in..
they do use heroin but only for certain things of course..
I have lost count of the number of drugs I take a day but they cant give me anything for pain panadol osteo and thats a bit of a joke.. but who wants to spend their life in pain...why bother.
maybe a puff of the old weed is the way to my age what does it matter.
Cods, I would donate you my kidneys if you didn't receive a therapeutic benefit from ingestion of cannibinoids, particularly CBD one of the non psychoactive cannibinoids found in largest quantities in leaf and Cannabis Indica. You needn't smoke it, and in fact shouldn't smoke the leaf; the concentration of chlorophyll will just give you a headache. The best form of ingestion for a therapeutic use is a concentration otherwise known as hash oil, extracted from leaf and buds (flowers) via a number of methods, ice or solvent extraction is probably the purest. A dose about the size of a pea before bed time and you'd wake up fresh as a daisy. Another method is to bake it in a recipe that requires a low heat, or make a cannabis butter; cannibinoids are fat soluble.
I wouldn't recommend driving or operating machinery whilst under the influence of anything potentially psychoactive and cannabis, especially in the concentration required to be therapeutic, is no different.
I would suggest there is more than a coincidental link between Cannabis having therapeutic properties and the location of cannibinoid receptors in Haematopoietic stem cells (cells responsible for regeneration and repair).
Cannabis Indica prepared in any of the above manners is best suited to pain relief and physical ailments.
Cannabis Sativa is better suited to conditions such as anxiety, depression, etc, otherwise treated with Benzodiazepams. Benzo is derived from Benzene, a natural constituent of crude oil, and is one of the most basic petrochemicals. Frankly I'd take my chances with a little of your smoking joe if you don't mind.
The sad fact is, there's no money in it and therefore is not pursued by big pharma, who require a return on investment and also stand to lose a fortune on patented drugs used for similar purposes. Consequently there is no study into appropriate dosage rates to treat everything from a toothache to cancer, if not the tumours themselves the pain management and the resultant loss of appetite.
Do I condone the abuse of any drug, no. Do I condone anyone being denied their therapeutic or recreational use? Hell no.
Do I think we should treat it as a medical issue and not a crime; absolutely. The war on drugs isn't working, they close down one operation and another pops up to replace it.
Heroin is an insidious drug as are most if not all of the amphetamines, with the exception of pure MDMA, but even that should be consumed very occasionally. Heroin causes significant social issues as its apparently, I would never touch the stuff so will never know, instantly addictive and being as dear as poison often results in petty or violent crimes; they say it's only a problem if you can't afford it.
LSD will certainly exacerbate any underlying mental conditions and could certainly create some new ones, but in a controlled environment and dosage is relatively harmless.
Cocaine is too expensive to be a widespread problem, overdose rates are very low.
In the scheme of things good ole cannabis is harmless and should be decriminalised and be available as a prescription medicine as it once was.
It was first discovered in 1975 that Cannibinoids kill cancer cells, there's the real crime.
This subject should receive significant public debate.
The two drugs responsible for the most deaths are tobacco and alcohol.
Water is toxic in sufficient concentration as is oxygen!