cods wrote on Nov 19
th, 2011 at 4:04pm:
Grey wrote on Nov 18
th, 2011 at 7:51pm:
cods wrote on Nov 18
th, 2011 at 7:29pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 18
th, 2011 at 6:43pm:
<<That's because we're the good guys Cods. Grin You should join us, you're almost good enough. >>
Go on cods! we're almost blood sisters, me being from good convict stock and all. We are much nicer than the 'others'
ha,.ha.. give me the convicts of yesteryear to the pious greenies of today any least everyone knew they were crooks.. now we are lead to believe the greens can change the long as everyone does what they tell them to do.. and not what they do...
I dont live by those morals.
your convict rellies are spinning in their graves pansi..shame on you!
I always felt you would make a good Anarchist Cods.
anarchist [ˈænəkɪst]
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person who advocates the abolition of government and a social system based on voluntary cooperation
2. a person who causes disorder or upheaval
anarchistic adj
I dont think so....why would you accuse me of that????
I am very much for law and order.. infact I just wish we had more of it.. we have slacked off to the point now where crims are thumbing their noses at society.. look at Sydney drive by shootings every mnight and no one is stopping them..
I am shocked you would put me in that catagory..thanks for nothing.
would I make a good protester.. yes I would if I believed in it badly I am anti CARBON TAX and if the body had allowed it I would have been there..
we are fortunate to be able to raise a voice in protest in this country still, but who knows whats ahead..
we are making a start with censorship of the internet..and now pointing the evil finger at the press/ if they are the cause of our every ills....
we are basically saying to every new govt... if you dont like it.. have an enquiry and put yourself in control...
its for everyones own good dont you know!
There you go Cods, you can see very well that things aren't working. This is the premise that Michael Crichton wrote about in Jurassic Park. The more you try to control complex systems, the more chaos you create, (chaos theory). Now some things are best handled at a Federal level. And so some form of centralised administration is necessary. But most things are better handled locally.
Let's take child welfare for instance. Why do we send money to the federal government who decide how much will be spent on the welfare of children. Then hand that over to a bureacracy who use the money to shore up their own empire, run advertising camapaigns, monumental leaflet drops to explain the latest buzz phrase in child welfare. And finally dribble down what's left to the the local community? Our town is going to be a city in the new year yet there is no child welfare office. It's all handled from Bunbury the next city up the coast.
And on a local level people don't talk about child welfare. Its the responsibility of 'government'. Older heads like yours that might know a thing or two are out of the loop. When men get drunk and bash their wives and children other men don't (as a general rule) do anything. To do so would in all probability get them in trouble with the police.
This is all an unnatural and inefficient way to live. Anarchism is simply about decentralisation of power and making collaborating individuals more important than totalitarian governments. And it always was. Cods.
Anarchists were opposed to Bolshevists. They didn't believe in revolutions and forcing people against their will to adopt to centralised power. Just take the time to read this short letter to Karl Marx from Joseph Proudhon, the first person to call himself an Anarchist. you might prefer the AnarchoConservative P.J. O'Rourke