corporate_whitey wrote on Nov 17
th, 2011 at 4:35am:
JuLIAR is a right wing extremist you keep pretending she is a leftist but she is pro war, supports war, military and economic aggression, human inequality, she is pro competition, pro uranium mining, supports the build up of armed foreign troops on Australian soil ect ect. - IOW a rightard.
Gillard is a big disappointment and there is little difference between either major party now - with the exception of the Greens, but even they've been quiet on this issue. They may have done a deal with Gillard.
The fact is we can't get rid of uranium waste - yet here we are selling this toxic substance to developing nations. So where are they going to dump their waste?
It's very possible that part of this agreement means returning the nuclear waste to Australia. Labor has been very quiet on our proposed global nuclear waste dump, but Gillard signed off on the deal Howard started.
I think most Australians might have hoped that we wouldn't have to take the world's nuclear refuse, but our leaders have no concern at all for the future of this country. They're happy to sell us off to the highest bidder even if it means contaminating huge tracts of land for the next half million years.