Belgarion wrote on Nov 17
th, 2011 at 3:23pm:
I saw with my own eyes the setup at NAVCOMSTA H E Holt. It was a little piece of America set down in Australia, to the extent that on base traffic drove on the right. Exmouth was a small, isloted community that could not provide all the things needed therefore they imported most of it - including food, but the precedent is there should the US wish to become more self sufficient in Darwin.
This is not a continuing rotation of troops on a temprary basis for training purposes, but a permanent deplyment. The longer this arrangement goes on the more likely the US will want to provide its own facilites.
Now you're talking about US spy bases on our soil, which are stand alone US / Aust spy facilities, mostly US. These are nothing like a small semi-permenant contingent of US servicemen and women based at Australian defence establishements, as is the case here.
While apples and oranges are both fruit, they are not the same fruit.
As for your assertion "This is not a continuing rotation of troops on a temprary basis for training purposes, but a permanent deplyment".
Well that's exactly what it is. This has all been done before, we have had small US military contingents stationed on our bases since the viet nam war and guess what, it wasn't a prelude to an all out invasion then and it isn't now.
Under the deal, announced by Barack Obama and Julia Gillard last night, US military and air force personnel will rotate through Northern Territory bases for six months each year during the Top End's dry season.