Quote:abu rashid wrote
Yes it does actually. Since an atheist holds that there is no soul, and that life has no intrinsic value. To an atheist, murdering another human being is little different to spraying mortein on a roach or weed killer on your garden. What basis would an atheist use to separate these actions? If we are just a bunch of random chemicals that happened to end up in this "configuration" by chance, then what would be the incentive not to murder others, if it happened to be conducive to your aims in life (like it was for Stalin, Mao & Pol pot)?
By what criteria could an atheist determine that another human's molecules are any more worthy of remaining in their current "configuration" than the molecules that make up a roach?
Atheism is simply to not believe in god; it is simply a negation of god. Any construction after the negation of god, like the quasi-scientific one you're projecting, is of another philosophy. Incidently, Stalin and Pol Pot's philosophy was Marxist, not about atoms or amino acids.
You're arguing with yourself by erecting such a strawman.
Quote:abu rashid wrote
If that's the case, then it makes my case for how defective the Western system is then, doesn't it?
A system which, as you claim, does not ensure its own survival is doomed to failure, and is not a system worth preserving, is it? By the great law of evolution, then it _must_ by necessity perish.
Types such as yourself take the classical liberal idea of minimal government interference into the lives of citizens and maximum personal liberty to its extreme. You castigate the institutions that protect your personal freedoms; you will the destruction of these institutions.
The classical liberals did not extend their ideas on personal freedoms to those who set about to destroy society. This includes those of your ilk.
The problem is not Western society, but the white-ants who spend all their time undermining it.