Quote:It's not that you are critical of Islam that is the problem, it's the attitude.
So after all this you cannot actually say what anyone is doing wrong. It just comes down to how you interpret what we post?
Quote:He has given you straight answers about Islam before. So have I. Your method of debate is to choose a sentence out of a couple and use it as a weapon
Some of those straight answers have either directly or indirectly contradicted each other. Neither you nor Abu have been willing to explain those apparent contradictions. Some of those straight answers were rather surprising or disturbing and generated a lot of interest and further questions. Despite Abu's belief in his perfect communication skills, some of his answers were ambiguous and confusing. Again, trying to get clarification has been like trying to get blood out of a stone. We need to go through about 20 pages of excuses for every straight answer Abu gives. Obviously, your 'contribution' is not exactly helping the situation.
This may come as a shock to you Annie, but quoting what people actually post and addressing what they specifically say is actually the more reasonable debating strategy, rather than waving your arms in the air and addressing what you think the intent or the zattitude of a post is.
Quote:I've said this before, but I really do think that most of that is in reaction to some of the bullshit that is posted on here by people like Sprint, Yadda and Salad In.
Abu prefers to respond to BS because he can criticise it while posting his own BS in response. He is scared to respond to simple, straightforward questions about Islam.
Quote:Yes he can, but if you're asking a genuine question about the religion, an answer from anybody who knows it should be enough. I have answered you plenty of times with the best intentions and you have never accepted them for what they are and moved on
I did accept them. I moved on to the next question. You seem to think that a single answer to a single answer resolves everything and any further discussion is unreasonable and unnecessary. The reality is the opposite. If Abu contradicts himself or you contradict Abu, obviously people are going to ask why. You seem to think you have perfect communication skills or are God and therefor once you have spoken that is the end of the matter. If you and Abu put a tenth as much effort into giving straight answers as you put into your absurd excuses this would actually be over. This is your circus.
Quote:Your intention is not to learn, but to challenge and change Abu's mind.
As with Abu, if you want to have a sensible debate, you need to stop telling other people what they think. It is you who needs to approach the debate with an open mind, everyone else already is. I have never attempted to change Abu's mind about Islam. My only goal has been to find out what Abu believes, and Abu runs scared from that.
Quote:I am absolutely not trying to prevent debate.
You continually change the topic from Islam to why we are not worthy of any straight answers about Islam. It is still a debate, but a rather stupid one.
Quote:If you want him to give you the respect of a straight forward answer, then give him the respect of asking genuine questions without the bad attitude and condescension and attempts at entrapment.
Now you are just being silly Annie. My questions were genuine. Abu just did not like his own answers. Exposing someone's self contradictions and asking for a clarification is not entrapment. It is Abu digging his own hole.