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Australian Politics
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... wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 4:26pm: corporate_whitey wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 4:13pm: ... wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 4:08pm: corporate_whitey wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 4:02pm: BigOl64 wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 3:56pm: corporate_whitey wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 3:37pm: Ok, let me put it this way, you are a dumb 'rse crook with no skill yes you support share market capitalism (organised crime) so everything I said to you is relevant. You can stay in denial all you like, but share market capitalism is screwed and we are not helping, we are ROFLMAO./... Blah, blah, blah; socialism is done as a failed experiment, you need to get over it and realise you are a political has-been. Stop acting like you're part of the majority; you are a lonely little man striking out at an indifferent world. Maybe if you had a life you might be less angry and definitely less deluded. Wow, you just keep the idiocy and meaningless drivel going even while share-market capitalism dies in its bottomless ditch of corruption, debt and laziness. definition of share-market capitalism - "work someone to death and not pay them, Print Money - keep doing this." Even if capitalism collapsed tomorrow, you'd still be the same useless obese loafer you've always been, only then you'd have to rely on your own merit to sruvive, rather than the welfare those capitalist pigs throw at you to preserve your miserable existence. I'd give you 48 hours, max. Unlike you,I am ethical a hard working working person and in a sane system, I would be doing jest fine, you of course would never work. If and when i die, I will always know that and that share market capitalists are useless thieving parasites who failed. i am watching you fail and I am loving it./ Yes, under a sane system, jobless moochers wouldn't grow to 300kg. Share-market capitalists only have themselves to blame, workers and skilled people don't owe you anything and don't need you, the only thing you are good at is stealing and running good businesses into the ground.