Federal Government is sticking to its plan to bring the budget back to surplus in 2012/13, after finding $11.5 billion in new savings over the next four years.
In the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), released on Tuesday, the government is now predicting a slim $1.5 billion surplus in 2012/13, compared to its previous $3.5 billion forecast in the May budget.
It also says this financial year's deficit will be a larger $37.1 billion shortfall than the $22.6 billion forecast six months ago.
"Global economic and financial conditions have deteriorated markedly in recent months, and the risks to global stability from the European sovereign debt crisis have intensified," Treasurer Wayne Swan said in a statement.
Instability in the global economy had wiped $20 billion off tax revenues over the forward estimates.
Mr Swan said the decisions taken in the MYEFO had not been easy.
But they were crucial to sustaining confidence in Australia's public finances.
"Strong and stable economic management, and our record of fiscal discipline, remains very important for Australian families across the country because it helps underpin confidence in our economy and supports Australian jobs at a time of heightened global uncertainty," the treasurer said.
The government has also cut its growth forecast for this financial year and next, and in line with revisions made by the Reserve Bank of Australia earlier this month.
Economic growth for 2011/12 and 2012/13 is now forecast at 3.25 per cent each year, down from previous forecasts of four per cent and 3.75 per cent respectively