Ex Dame Pansi
cods wrote on Dec 1 st, 2011 at 8:02am: Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Dec 1 st, 2011 at 5:44am: ... wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 8:52pm: Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 8:11pm: longweekend58 wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 5:41pm: ... wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 11:59am: Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 30 th, 2011 at 11:46am: A Jew whinged about losing money, a nurse nursed, a teacher taught, a car salesman sold cars....and that's just what they do! please cease and desist your racist sterotyping. (even if it is apt) Sorry, I don't make the rules, I just have to abide by them. normally that would invoke a ban. but the rules are now... not entirely sure. don't be freaking ridiculous. It is common knowledge that Jewish people have an affinity to money. For crying out loud New York is filled with them. Solomon Lew is a Jewish business man. We can't ban everything longy. Jewish, Christian, Protestant, Muslim, Bahai, Buddhist, all names of religious groups and all perfectly legal. No wonder you are no longer a mod, with your primitive rules. It's 2011 not 1711. it is also common knowledge black people have an affinity with violent crime. prisons are full of them. But once again, I don't make the rules I just have to abide by them, so I don't bring it to your attention. Oops...I won't do it again. It's also common knowledge that black people have been repressed by white people for centuries. But all that is changing. Whilst the birth rate of white people is rapidly declining, the birth rate of black and Hispanic populations is increasing. Soon it will be the white man filling the prisons. What goes around comes around, all in good time. Bring it on! Black power! I wish i knew what that was all about then again maybe not. you seem to have a particular hatred for white people and govts...have you taken a good look at our African neighbours... even Libya.. and now Egypt..and look at Iran and Siria.all very democratic..I am sure. I've said it before cods, I'm a humanist, all humanity first and foremost, no one is better than anyone else no matter where they were born or what they have. I like all colours, even multi-colours. I like all races. I like all cultures. Each to their own. I don't have a hatred for all governments, only those that screw their own people. In those countries where the Occupy movement is active, would be governments that are not doing the right thing by the citizens who pay their wages.