News (Australia):
12 December 2011: Attorney General Robert McClelland is replaced by Nicola Roxon.
Please write a letter to the new Attorney General: she has the power to change the handling of the Assange matter. She can break with McClelland’s legacy. Copy in your local MP and PM Gillard (see next section for their contact details).
For tips on content, see below section for letters to PM Gillard and your local MP. (Letters are more difficult to ignore than emails).
The Hon Nicola Roxon MP,
Attorney-General’s Department,
Central Office,
3-5 National Circuit,
If you are in Victoria, you can print out the poster
Please send two letters, one to your local MPand one to Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
This method of action will ensure that your local member of parliament (MP), who has local responsibility for addressing your complaints will take your complaint on to the Parliament floor. Your MP will have an incentive to act because the cause of your complaint to them is PM Gillard’s actions. PM Gillard on the other hand will face increased pressure in Parliament and will be made aware that she is losing support not only by individual citizens but within Parliament (including by her own political party), by losing support by the politicians who make up Parliament.
1. Contact your local MP
Write a letter to your local MP (find who they are here) urging them to put pressure on Julia Gillard to change her policy towards WikiLeaks and Assange.
Ask your MPs to put pressure on Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard urging her to support Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, to ensure that if Mr. Assange is imprisoned he be transfered to Australia through the International Transfer of Prisoners (ITP) scheme and to make undertakings that she will use her political discretion to prevent Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States. State whether your vote in the next elections is affected by the Parliament’s approach to the Julian Assange matter. (For more information of Julia Gillard’s role against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and the Australian government’s lack of meaningful action on this issue, see the Australia page).
Send a copy of the letter to your MP to:
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600
The Hon Nicola Roxon MP, Attorney-General’s Department, Central Office, 3-5 National Circuit, BARTON ACT 2600
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
2. Contact Prime Minister Julia Gillard
Contact Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard urging her to support Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, to ensure that if Mr. Assange is imprisoned he be transfered to Australia through the International Transfer of Prisoners (ITP) scheme, and to make undertakings that she will use her political discretion to prevent Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States. State whether your vote in the next elections is affected by her handling of the Julian Assange matter. (For more information of Julia Gillard’s role against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and the Australian government’s lack of meaningful action on this issue, see the Australia page).
Please send a hardcopy letter (sent via postal mail) addressed to:
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600
AND send a copy to each of these three:
Your Local MP
The Hon Nicola Roxon MP, Attorney-General’s Department, Central Office, 3-5 National Circuit, BARTON ACT 2600
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600