Life_goes_on wrote on Dec 29
th, 2011 at 2:02pm:
Getting a job in the mines without prior mine or construction experience and a ticket or three is pretty damn hard. A lot of places require that you've coughed up for a mine industry induction course before you even apply for a job.
Even a being a spotter requires a ticket these days.
Things have changed a bit since I was 'in the game' in
the early 1990's, by the sound of it.
I've got a lot of the tickets, and previous experience, but
am too knocked-around physically to do it these days.
Nor am I prepared to move to the other side of the country
or out the back of Woop-Woop.
Soooooo.....I paint houses.
Works for me, and there's no shortage of work ATM.