The job vacancies are a fiddle and so are the unemployment figures. Any fool would know that we have more than 5.3% on the dole queue. A huge proportion of work is casual and part-time which doesn't always cover the mortgage or rent.
Enter the usual suspects who declare there is plenty of work out there if they want it.
I'm pretty sure they want it.
Official figures masking massive job woes
FINANCE and insurance workers are among the hidden victims of an employment rout that has hit more than two million Australians over the past year, research has found.
While the official unemployment rate sits at 5.3 per cent,
figures from Roy Morgan estimate work hardship really affects 16.8 per cent of the workforce - or 2.01 million Australians -who want either a full-time job or more hours to cope with living pressures.
The boom in mining jobs of 18 per cent over the past year masks falls of more than 6 per cent in finance and insurance, in wholesale and property and business services, the data says. Employment in manufacturing has also gone backwards by almost 5 per cent.
But University of Melbourne researcher Roger Wilkins says underemployment is the real concern of the moment.
“Underemployment is a significant issue particularly if it rises faster than unemployment, which it seems to have done,” Mr Wilkins said.
“At an individual level the effects of underemployment are quite similar to unemployment - it’s associated with low income, low life-satisfaction and general unhappiness.”
Roy Morgan estimates that real unemployment is at 8.6 per cent, which is 3.3 per cent higher than the official figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and underemployment is 8.2 per cent.
Workers in the retail, community services, and general services industries are crying out for more work, with many part-time employees unable to get the amount of work they need.
Almost 16 per cent of retail workers, 17 per cent of workers in the hospitality and recreation, and 8.8 per cent of community services say they are underemployed.
Mr Wilkins said the ABS official unemployment figures do not reflect the full story of how the economy was performing at the moment.
“There is a false sense of complacency about how the labour market is performing that is generated by the benign unemployment situation,” he said. “There needs to be increased emphasis on underemployment.”
The slowdown in the demand for workers was further highlighted by job vacancy figures this week which suffered the biggest annual fall in nine years.
The figures released by the ABS showed job vacancies in Australia falling 3.3 per cent in the three months to November, bringing the overall growth rate down by 6.3 per cent.
In addition to jobs growth in mining, electricity, gas and water grew by 13 per cent and communication by 12.8 per cent.