Soren wrote on Jan 17 th, 2012 at 2:55pm: Karnal wrote on Jan 17 th, 2012 at 2:43pm: Soren wrote on Jan 17 th, 2012 at 2:31pm: Karnal wrote on Jan 16 th, 2012 at 12:30pm: Either you're playing the usual old boy debating game and are merely arguing the case for the negative (Cert II in Negative Studies), or you really are an unreformed, old school Nazi. You know, the Ernst Rohm type: an obsession with moral hygeine and dirty linen while you enjoy a bit of scatting and S&M on the sly.
Still, I'm going for the former. We teach hyperbole and shock tactics in Advanced Pakistani Rhetoric, so I should know. You are, of course, entitled to your convictions, old boy. But I ask you this: are they really YOUR beliefs? Typical pissweak PB nonsense. With this kind of crap, PB, you are stuck in the stupid corner where you have painted yourself with the endless, reflex 'yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but' of 'new' school humanities thinking (aka Cert II in Social Work). Actions have moral dimensions, affliction don't. Calling that nazi is wanting to be stupid - an action, not a mere affliction. Yes, I noticed you avoided epilepsy, leprosy and madness, the more traditonal stigmas. I see you are seeking to modernise shame. You're right though. I am a very "yeah but, no but" kind of guy. Things are not so black and white to me. Lo! How I wish they were! I see. Every deviance and criminality and stupidity and irresponsibility and anti-social behaviour is waiting for the correct deconstructive normalisation. Hey, leprosy used to be stigmatised, madness, epilepsy! look at them now! So nothing should be stigmatised. it's all good, we just don't get it. There are no shameful acts and tendencies, only nice people whose grievances we haven't accommodated and internalised yet. Got it. Good. After all, you're a fan of the Enlightenment, no? And from Descartes on, its whole point was to erradicate superstition. Now us PBs know you can't do this. New ones just pop up in their place. Our great leader, Foucault, made this all too clear, as did our lesser hero and sometimes villain, Freud. So I'm glad you understand. Some old boys, you see, want the superstitions, stigmas, and idols of the marketplace carefully vetted and selected - presumably by philosopher kings or the superior intellects of the tabloid media. Perhaps a committee should be formed. Mike Munro and Alan Jones would make marvellous members, not to mention arch old boys, Piers and Gerard Henderson. Still, the way things are these days you'd need a token PB to to be all PC and spoil everybody's fun. Yes, Abu's right. The West has become a moral cess pit, hasn't it?