I sometimes wish that it was a scam. It's a real pain. The trouble is that you can't click your shoes together and keep repeating "There's no place like home" and hope that it will suddenly go away.
That badge of "Global Warmists" includes every National Academy of sciences on the planet, and such organisations as CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology and even the Geological Society of America, and I don't think you'll find many socialists in that very conservative organisation. The same goes for the American Institute of Physics.
http://www.aip.org/history/climate/index.htmIf you try to tell an American Physicist that he's a lying socialist, you might be endangering your life. Personally, I don't carry a hand gun, but I'd be pretty insulted by the socalist slur myself.
I don't take anything like that on faith, but unless you understand the science, I can understand why people would take up a simplistic position based on which
football team Political Party they barracked for. That's the sad fact of what politics in Australia has become. You don't talk about policies or actual facts. It's all football supporter type slogans, or going on about Tony Abbot and his budgie smugglers or Juliar with her ever growing nose.
There is far too much disinformation on the subject of Atmospheric Physics. It's best to keep politics out of science, especially when politics has become the domain of the ferals on both sides.