Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Apr 21
st, 2012 at 5:02pm:
Lots of criticisms there nairbe but little by the way of solutions.
Good point, try applying to yourself.
Mine is only a personal opinion and we all know what we say about opinions. To me the key is in community and by that i don't mean global, Australian, state, City I mean your community. Concentrate on your suburb and your street. Know your neighbour and support them as best you can. Communities need to create employment for there young as a civic responsibility and stop worrying about the ski boat and holiday home. We are driven by greed and selfishness that is hidden behind global community.
There are no magic solutions available to or by government. In Fact government are powerless to do anything about it. Any action they may take in the endless spiral downward in law and order as well as the deterioration of social interactions in our communities fail spectacularly with only further deterioration of the situation and the erosion of human rights as the outcomes.
It is the hardest of all situations to overcome but it can only be done within communities and by communities. Greed must be shunned, families must again be shamed when on the dole, those that don't put in and contribute have backs turned to them. Responsibility to the people around you and not hiding behind nationalism and globalisation. The Romans fell because the morale corruption could not be reclaimed because the people were to selfish to change and western society is rotting from the inside for the same reasons.
It is a change of thinking that must come. Every civilization goes through cycles in it's rise and fall. They build through strict and cruel morale law, as they peak they find an equilibrium of morale value and personal freedom then freedom takes over and selfishness and greed become the virons that rot the corpse.