The Hard Right wants Australians to run car on brown coal ...
How is that for stupid.
No wonder the coal-ilition is stagnating in primary vote.
Federal Liberal MP Craig Kelly, who represents Hughes in NSW
"Second, at the moment we are highly exposed to the risk of a global oil shock, but we in Australia have the ability to insulate ourselves by the development of coal liquefaction plants (coal to liquid oils technology).
"This is not pie in the sky. Germany used coal liquefaction during WWII to ensure oil supplies, the South Africans have used it for decades (brought on by sanctions), and the Chinese have opened a big plant as China, like Australia, has plenty of coal, but limited oil.
"Australia, with our abundant supplies of coal, is one of the few countries today where coal liquefaction makes economic sense.
"This is our national economic advantage, of which we must take advantage if we are doing to maintain our economic prosperity."
But the Gillard government has also embarked on the destruction of Australia's natural advantage with its introduction of the carbon dioxide tax from July 1.
Kelly argues that the international oil price makes coal-to-liquid-fuel technology viable and says there is substantially less polluting particulate matter in liquid fuel produced by such technology.
"Particulate matter kills. This is a huge issue in western Sydney which is being swept under the carpet," he says..
"The World Health Organisation has an upper recommended limit of a yearly average of 20 ug/m3 for Pm10 (a type of particulate matter). Europe has recently made a legally enforceable limit of 20 ug/m3 for a yearly average. Areas of western Sydney are sitting right on the yearly average of 20 ug/m3, and planned growth is likely to push us above this level."
He says Australia has no such yearly average limits. If we produced fuels from coal liquefaction we'd likely be able to keep under 20 ug/m3 in western Sydney.
Labor is ignoring the health of its heartland western Sydney constituents to pander to the Greens.
Kelly admits that coal liquefaction results in higher CO2 emissions than other fuels and says those whose faith tells them that CO2 is a satanic gas that must be cleansed from our world rather than being plant food -- or the gas that makes chardonnay into champagne -- think coal liquefaction is an evil.
"Therefore any report that provides evidence that we in Australia should be developing or even considering coal liquefaction plants is also an evil -- and must be destroyed, hence Report 117 disappears," he says.
Also, the upward-escalating CO2 tax kills off the economic viability of such plants in Australia.
We have an estimated 200 billion tonnes of brown coal reserves with the potential to produce an estimated 120 billion barrels of fuel oil, or 60 times as much as came out of Bass Strait back when Australia was self-sufficient in liquid fuels.
The Gillard government doesn't want you to know that we face a crisis and it certainly doesn't want you to know we hold the key to a solution.