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Three Allah Akbars and your Out (Read 3688 times)
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Australian Politics

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Townsville NQ
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Re: Three Allah Akbars and your Out
Reply #30 - Mar 6th, 2012 at 11:15am
Jan wrote on Jan 29th, 2012 at 1:07pm:
Soren wrote on Jan 29th, 2012 at 7:06am:
Adamant wrote on Jan 29th, 2012 at 12:40am:
Another Islamic Iteresting Fact

That's marvellous. Voice technology that "Speaks your language".

What is it with you idiots here?

you profess to be Australians yet you glorify the Yanks and their gung ho war efforts?

Let's see you "praise them on high" when their zionist led government has bankrupted us and destoyed everything we Aussies hold dear.

here's how they wage war:

The Highway of Death refers to a road between Kuwait and Basra on which retreating units of the Iraqi army as well as [highlight]Iraqi civilians were attacked and destroyed by American aircraft and ground forces during the United Nations Coalition offensive in the Gulf War, on the night of February 26-February 27, 1991, resulting in the destruction of hundreds of vehicles and the deaths of an unknown and disputed number of Iraqi soldiers and civilians. The scenes of carnage on the road are some of the most recognizable images of the war. According to Elaine Sciolino of the New York Times, the images suggested a turkey shoot and contributed to the war's resolution soon afterwards.[/highlight]This is the result... and how Bush explains an act of terror:

Think they will treat us any different if we don't comply with their demands to own our country??

Think again, and take note of ALL the countries they pledged allegiance to that they have destroyed when they couldn't get their own way.

Note all the iconic Aussie businesses they have 'bought up' and then sent 'off shore' or reduced to less than nothing.

That happens in war eh.
What's the problem.
It's not as if the enemy had surrendered at that point.
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Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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