the “West Australian” Inside Cover 28-29 Jan 2012
Like a growing number of people, we like to get out on our bicycle.
So we can understand that Transport Minister Troy Buswell and his partner, Fremantle MP Adele Carles, would have enjoyed cruising about in Freo on their bicycles on Australia Day evening.
But we can’t understand why they would have done so without helmets.
A South Fremantle resident told us yesterday that she saw the pair twice during the course of the evening.
She said that on the second occasion she could not help herself, and asked:
“Excuse me, Mr Buswell, where’s your bike helmet?”
“He said ‘at home’ and rode off, ”
she said.
We checked with police yesterday and were told that Section 222 (2) of the Road Traffic Code referred to wearing helmets on bicycles.
In a nutshell, the law states that an individual must wear an approved protective helmet, securely fastened, when riding on the road or any path.
The penalty for not doing so was $50, we were told.
Naturally we went to the pair for an explanation.
Ms Carles gave us a brief statement: “Yes, I was cycling in Freo without a helmet, as I occasionally do on the cycle path, although I always insist that children wear them.”
Mr Buswell’s bugle sent us a statement confirming he, too, had not worn a helmet.
And from the man himself: “It was unwise not to wear a helmet for the short ride down to watch the fireworks on Australia Day.
“Obviously it’s compulsory to wear a helmet while riding a bike, and there’s no excuse for not doing so.
“In recognition of the fact this offence carries a $50 penalty, I’ll donate $100 to the charity of IC’s choice.
“And I will obviously be more vigilant about wearing a helmet in future.”