Magnetic North Pole Shift is Sprinting to Russia
400 Years plotting of the Magnetic North Pole Shifts in Increments of 50 Years
The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center recently released statistical data depicting the coordinates of the “Annual Magnetic North Pole” going back in 10 year increments to the year of 1590. This data came in part from early measurements taken by ancient ship logs and recalibrated with modern day technology.
It is interesting to note that during this same era, the ancient cartographers were also restoring maps ancient to their day that depicted continents with divergent latitudes and longitudes than known today. Probably there have been no eras, except the 16 century explorers to the New World and the 21 century explorers to outer space that has so captured the minds of the public.
Now there are daily reports talking about pole shiftings, catastrophes, volcanoes, earthquakes, tectonic plates shifting, collapsing tectonic plates, solar flares and tsunamis that are literally giving people daily reports on aberrant weather, geo-magnetic, and earth changes. These events could quickly altar our life as we know it.
The Remarkable Change in the Speed of the Pole Shift in the last Twenty Years between 1990-2010
So we thank the editors of Modern Survival Blog, in the article titled, “Alarming NOAA data, Rapid Pole Shift” for opening up with their diagrams and sharing their polar shift revelations for all of us. As Ken, their editor reported:
Ken with Modern Survivals - “After transferring 420 years of north pole position data from the NOAA Geo Data Center, configuring it to fit in an Excel spreadsheet, adding a complicated formula to determine exact distance between 2 sets of latitude-longitude coordinates, applying the formula to each data point in the series, and then finally plotting it all in a visual graph, it is alarming to discover the amount of pole shift just over the past 10 to 20 years.”
So what are their facts:
Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years.
During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction.
During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years!
Pole Shift has more than doubled each of the last 50 years.
Plotting the over the Last 150 Years in 50 Year Periods
The question most asked is must be; “How fast is the Magnetic Pole Shift moving?” and “Is the speed of the Magnetic Pole Shift increased over the last few years”. According to Ken at Modern Survivals:
Ken at Modern Survivals - “The present rate of magnetic north pole shift is about 55 kilometers (120 miles) per year. According to the data set, during the year 2000 the magnetic north pole actually shifted more than 70 kilometers (154 miles).”
At no time since the complete destruction of King Sennacherib’s 175,000 troops surrounding the walls of Jerusalem, have the populations of the world had to expect the current scientific reality of our earth, as we have been taught is changing; the uniformitarian theoretical world science has taught us over the last 150 years is now changing back into an era of catastrophism.
From the Biblical record, “Catastrophism” ended in the historical age of man in 702 BCE. This was when King Hezekiah’s Kingdom of Judah was threatened destruction by the Assyrians imperialists under the rule of King Sennacherib. King Hezekiah thought the days of the Kingdom of Judah was over. His court prophet, Isaiah envisioned otherwise.
The prophetic Book of Israel in the Jewish scriptures called the TaNaKh, is today a legacy of how the Prophet Isaiah witnessed the world of catastrophism back then, and how it will return at the time of the end, as we see it coming today. It is also interesting that of all the manuscripts found in the Caves of the Essenes at Qumran near the Dead Sea, only the Scroll of Isaiah was discovered intact. Is the G-d of Israel giving us a new revelation?
The days of Uniformitarianism are now over. The laws of nature, working at a steady state have now ended and the days of the Messiah have now arrived. How our world will look seven years from today is truly only known by the G-d of Creation.
The reality is that it is possible that the geo-magnetic forces that are now pounding our Planet Earth, may truly precipitate a physical Pole Shift even 10-20 degrees in latitude. When such a pole shift does occur, this reality will instantly be clear for the Jewish Nation of Israel will be thrust north into new climatic conditions akin to Central and Northern Europe
The One-Directional Course of the Magnetic North Pole to Russia
Since January, 2011, the potential of a pole shift have become exponentially increased. When the earthquake at Christchurch, New Zealand, sitting on the fault line of the tectonic lock in the Pacific Ocean called the KTT Trench (Kermadec Tonga Trench), the plate tectonic movements heralding the End of Days before the coming of the Messiah began in earnest. Over 4,500 aftershocks have occurred since that 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit on September 4, 2010.
Pakistan’s permanent flooding along the Indus River Basin in eastern Pakistan only gives proof that the Indo-Australian Plate has collapsed on the western end over ten feet and Pakistan’s lush farmlands are now permanently changed into a lake district, heralding the loss of this entire agricultural region for food for Pakistan and the world. Even if they were to successfully drain the region, the crops of 2010 were destroyed and the planting for the 2011 crop season is gone.
The Indonesian volcanoes erupted soon afterwards, as the Indonesian archipelago began to shift. The Philippines have now become an earthquake zone as floods also have dominated the region. The Ring of Fire is now beginning to erupt in earnest, first along the eastern Asian, Indonesian-Chinese coastline, but eventually to the New World with North and South America.
As we can perceive, the moving of the geo-magnetic pole is awakening the iron core of the earth as the magma is flowing from the core to the mantle of the earth with greater intensity. Will this be perceived with geological and catastrophic earth changes, of course! The worldwide flooding such as in Australia and massive snow storms in the America’s are only a part. More volcanoes will erupt, more devastating earthquakes will occur, and population centers of the world will become more chaotic.
Will the shifting of the geomagnetic pole intensify? The conventional wisdom will have to admit to the answer, yes. Yet, the documentation of that fact may be harder to find. The facts speak for themselves. The 400 year record of magnetic pole shifts has demonstrated to be intensified exponentially only in the last 10-20 years. The cumulative effect upon the nations of the world will be headline news. When a “Partial Pole Shift” becomes a permanent reality, everyone will know, for life as we know it to be will permanently be gone.