Equality is a doctrine that is born of resentment toward the successful. Forget your armchair morality about imposing guilt on successful people and start making practical steps toward what it is you want to achieve. This is what successful people do in all disciplines, whether it's music, sport, business, literary endeavours or any other arena.
Sitting around whingeing and griping about how oppressed you are isn't going to get you anywhere. This is where feminist doctrines are woefully inept at actually helping people. They whine about oppressive power structures but never give anyone any practical tips on how to achieve their dreams. It's all about imposing guilt.
What fallacious views you spew....... I have been assisted by real caring people - male and female- in law, in society.
Hope you DO feel guilty---- you ought to. Face the Facts Jack.
Obviously you see yourself as a successful white male - who has been disadvantaged, unfairly, by the raising of womens' status in the workplace, through dint of their sheer HARD WORK.
Poor baby. Mummy has turned.!!!