mozzaok wrote on Feb 12
th, 2012 at 9:29am:
Well said Cods, and two wrongs don't make anything but a whole lot of wrong, which is usually where BD's posts end up, because they start off from a point of hatefulness which is just not needed.
This is the post of mine which sparked the death threat and other abuse:
Quote:Once the 3rd wave hits equality is already in full swing. But the 3rd wavers weren't happy with that, they had to keep lambasting men where ever they felt oppression existed, even though evidence of oppression rarely existed.
So even though equality of opportunity and equal pay etc exists, there is still the claim that women are oppressed. So guilt is (further) used as a tool to make men feel bad for being successful, rich, powerful: They must then exhibit sorrow for being outgoing and driven to succeed. They must wallow in self-pity and feel shame every time he exerts himself.
Self-pity, self-shame = emasculation.
Pride, self-confidence = masculine.
Examining the motivations behind the drive to equality and its repercussions is a valid topic of debate. I never singled out any poster, I specifically targeted the 3rd wave feminists.
How does any of what I said here warrant a bullet to the head?