what a dump.
The odd nice people there tho. They rescued me on a trip from Vic to Qld, I was towing a tandem-wheel trailer, loaded with all our worldly goods. Had the old father-in-law with me cos (well thats a bit too long) BUT coming into Dubbo, the sharp right at the lights did in the u-bolts on the front set of wheels,, altho it had actually loosened up earlier, cos it was all over the road. Had to keep the GT at abut 45kph or 'out of control.!!!
So after the turn the wheels locked and I had to drg off the main route with smacking big trucks going everywhere!!!Talking about smoking tyres.!
Was a SUNDAY, and pulled up on the concrete of a big tyre place, cos everything was shut. MY GOD what to do?? My then hubby was half way to Narrabri!! No mobile phones back then.!!
Not in RACQ..
(my then hubby did not cop the bullets OK? so just settle down.!)I staggered to the nearest open milk bar, told the lady what had happened while waiting for some sustenance, and within half an hour she had her fella show, jack the whole lot up, replace the Ubolts and we were right to go. Would accept no money. NOW that is an example of GOOD FOLKS.
I will always remember them.