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'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy' (Read 1988 times)
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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #15 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 9:01am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 26th, 2012 at 6:53am:
FriYAY wrote on Feb 24th, 2012 at 11:37am:
Morons that believe some bull crap book have no hope.

And i don't care which bull crap book either.. Wink

Did you feel that way in school?

It explains a lot.


God botherer hey?

Morons going nutty over a work of fiction need help. Cry
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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #16 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 8:12pm
falah wrote on Feb 23rd, 2012 at 9:06am:
'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'

Angry protesters have rallied in Afghanistan for a second day in condemnation of the burning of the Holy Qur'an by the US-led forces.

The protesters took to the streets in the capital Kabul, the western city of Herat and the eastern city of Jalalabad for a second day of the protests on Wednesday after US-led troops at the Bagram Airbase burned a large number of Islamic religious materials which included copies of the Holy Qur’an.

The demonstrators threw stones at the US military base along the Jalalabad road while chanting slogans against the United States and President Barack Obama.

What follows is an approximate transcription of a Press TV interview with Abdul Alim Musa, Imam of Masjid al-Islam in Washington, regarding the issue.

Press TV: First of all, how do you explain such a desecration?

Musa: I view the recent burning of Holy Qur’an as shows of serious missteps by US policy in Afghanistan. It shows [the] complete failure and insensitivity of the US policy in Afghanistan.

For instance, supposedly it went to war against the war on terror, the war against Taliban, now they have to talk with the Taliban. They have been separating themselves from the civilian population by shooting drones into Afghanistan and killing innocent civilians.

So they distanced themselves from the people they are supposedly there to rescue by bombing, killing and droning people to death.

And only about three weeks ago, they were shown urinating on the face of dead Afghan soldiers who ... and other farming utensils near their feet which shows that they were not mercenaries, they were not fighters or they were not insurgents at all. It shows that they were normal farmers.

And now we have the burning of Qur’an. So we have a policy of insensitivity, a policy that has no focus, no direction. It shows the total and complete idiocy of the US policy in Afghanistan and in relationship to Afghanistan, drones in Pakistan, they have distanced themselves from the whole region.

The whole region is just totally dissatisfied with US policy in the region.

Press TV: The US officials know it very well that burning the Holy Qur’an would spark angry reaction from Muslims. So why is it that they repeat the same thing over and over again?

Musa: Because they do not consider Afghans, they do not consider them as Muslims. They do not pay attention to our culture, our religion, our way of life.

The only time they pay attention is ... 50,000 people in the street. Then we have the military dictator there from the US apologizing to the president, apologizing to the people, apologizing to the noble religion of Islam.

First of all, they should have some sensitivity courses. If they are going to invade people, they should at least understand the language, the religion, the culture of the people. They are putting their own troops .... at total disadvantage .

In fact, I think the world including the US; the people in the US are tired of US policies in Afghanistan. Now hundreds of thousands of lives of Afghans with no purposes, no goal; thousands of NATO and US troops are dead; hundreds are being killed on a regular basis.

It shows the US policy, it shows the decline of an empire and that the US government is a slow learner. It should have learned earlier but it continues to go down the road leading to its own destruction.

Press TV: How would this desecration of the Holy Book affect the security situation on the ground in Afghanistan?

Musa: When you first invade, you are supposedly fighting combatants. But by the time you drone people to death and invade villages, pretty soon you move from a war against combatants to a war against the people and a war against villagers.

After that, all the people of Afghanistan become its combatants. So this is why you have gun-happy troops; you have a situation where the lines are unclear as to who is the combatant and who is not. So burning of the Qur’an puts the troops and the people at a higher level of risk of losing their lives.

Falah I have told you before press tv is a biased source, it is as you have told us not islamic, please do not use it again especially as the dickheads in that organization do not know how to correctly dispose of a soiled koran. I seem to think you would be better to read the attached article about fatwas issued by one of your fellow cult members. then apologize for posting such crap.

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Australian Politics

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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #17 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 9:57pm
Adamant wrote on Feb 27th, 2012 at 8:12pm:
Falah I have told you before press tv is a biased source, it is as you have told us not islamic, please do not use it again especially as the ****heads in that organization do not know how to correctly dispose of a soiled koran. I seem to think you would be better to read the attached article about fatwas issued by one of your fellow cult members. then apologize for posting such crap.

Did you even read the link you provided?

It is also permitted to burn and then bury it in a place that is far removed from rubbish...When Muslims want to respectfully dispose of a text of the Koran that is no longer usable, we will burn it. So if someone, for example, in their own private collection or library had a text of the Koran that was damaged or that was in disrepair, so the binding was ruined, etc., or it got torn

The Qurans were thrown on a garbage pile and burnt.

Zahed said five Afghans working at the pit told him that the religious books were in the garbage that two soldiers with the U.S.-led coalition transported to the pit in a truck late Monday night. When they realized the books were in the trash, the laborers worked to recover them, he said.\news\lists\national&id=721952#.T0uDi3lYWSo
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« Last Edit: Feb 27th, 2012 at 11:24pm by falah »  

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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #18 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:03pm
The Qurans were thrown on a garbage pile and burnt.

Hey are there any more Korans out there to throw on the fire as it's almost out and we need to keep it burning.
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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #19 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 11:40pm
Yes and the smiting of heads through interpretation of the Koran also proves that "one book" is not nearly enough.

Burning the US flag is a good idea, as it hints for those clowns to get over themselves.

Burn the Australian flag and practicality will emerge with marshmallows on sticks.

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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #20 - Feb 28th, 2012 at 12:42pm
The causes of the protests in Afghanistan

Most American media accounts and commentary about the ongoing violent anti-American protests in Afghanistan depict their principal cause as anger over the burning of Korans (it’s just a book: why would people get violent over it?) — except that Afghans themselves keep saying things like this:

Protesters in Kabul interviewed on the road and in front of Parliament said that this was not the first time that Americans had violated Afghan cultural and religious traditions and that an apology was not enough.

“This is not just about dishonoring the Koran, it is about disrespecting our dead and killing our children,” said Maruf Hotak, 60, a man who joined the crowd on the outskirts of Kabul, referring to an episode in Helmand Province when American Marines urinated on the dead bodies of men they described as insurgents and to a recent erroneous airstrike on civilians in Kapisa Province that killed eight young Afghans.

“They always admit their mistakes,” he said. “They burn our Koran and then they apologize. You can’t just disrespect our holy book and kill our innocent children and make a small apology.”


Members of Parliament called on Afghans to take up arms against the American military, and Western officials said they feared that conservative mullahs might incite more violence at the weekly Friday Prayer, when a large number of people worship at mosques.

Americans are invaders, and jihad against Americans is an obligation,” said Abdul Sattar Khawasi, a member of Parliament from the Ghorband district in Parwan Province, where at least four demonstrators were killed in confrontations with the police on Wednesday.

The U.S. has violently occupied their country for more than a decade. It has, as Gen. Stanley McChrystal himself explained, killed what he called an “amazing number” of innocent Afghans in checkpoint shootings. It has repeatedly — as in, over and over — killed young Afghan children in air strikes.

It continues to imprison their citizens for years at Bagram and other American bases without charges of any kind and with credible reports of torture and other serious abuses. Soldiers deliberately shot Afghan civilians for fun and urinated on their corpses and displayed them as trophies.

Meanwhile, the protesters themselves continue to be shot, although most American media accounts favor sentences like these which whitewash who is doing the killing: “running clashes with the police that claimed the lives of another five Afghan protesters” and “in Nangarhar Province, two Afghans protesting the Koran burning were shot to death outside an American base in Khogyani District” and “protesters angry over the burning of Korans at the largest American base in Afghanistan this week took to the streets in demonstrations in a half-dozen provinces on Wednesday that left at least seven dead and many more injured.” Left at least seven dead: as As’ad AbuKhalil observed, “notice that there is no killer in the phrasing.”

It’s comforting to believe that these violent protests and the obviously intense anti-American rage driving them is primarily about anger over the inadvertent burning of some religious books: that way, we can dismiss the rage as primitive and irrational and see the American targets as victims. But the Afghans themselves are making clear that this latest episode is but the trigger for — the latest symbol of — a pile of long-standing, underlying grievances about a decade-old, extremely violent foreign military presence in their country. It’s much more difficult to dismiss those grievances as the by-product of primitive religious fanaticism, so — as usual — they just get ignored.

UPDATE: Beyond all these points, it’s perversely fascinating to watch all of this condescension — it’s just a book: who cares if it’s burned? – pouring forth from a country whose political leaders were eager to enact a federal law or even a Constutional amendment to make it a criminal offense to burn the American flag (which, using this parlance, is “just a piece of cloth”). In fact, before the Supreme Court struck down such statutes as unconstitutional in 1989 by a 5-4 vote, it was a crime in 48 states in the nation to burn the flag. Here is what Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote in dissent about why the Constitution permits the criminalization of flag burning (emphasis added):

The American flag, then, throughout more than 200 years of our history, has come to be the visible symbol embodying our Nation. It does not represent the views of any particular political party, and it does not represent any particular political philosophy. The flag is not simply another “idea” or “point of view” competing for recognition in the marketplace of ideas. Millions and millions of Americans regard it with an almost mystical reverence, regardless of what sort of social, political, or philosophical beliefs they may have.

Might one say the same for Muslims and the Koran? Along those lines, just imagine what would happen if a Muslim army invaded the U.S., violently occupied the country for more than a decade, in the process continuously killing American children and innocent adults, and then, outside of a prison camp it maintained where thousands of Americans were detained for years without charges and tortured, that Muslim army burned American flags — or a stack of bibles — in a garbage dump. Might we see some extremely angry protests breaking out from Americans against them? Would American pundits be denouncing those protesters as blinkered, primitive fanatics?
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red baron
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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #21 - Feb 28th, 2012 at 3:46pm
falah, you are precisely he kind of Muslim fanatic that gives moderate Muslims nightmares at night.

Where do you get all this stuff falah. I've read your posts and I am not ashamed to call myself a hard liner. But mate you pales me into the horizon with not just passionate views but outright fanatical views.

It is the fanatics no matter what end of then spectrum that they come from that pose the greatest threat to then world.

Thus it has always been.

I am heavy falah but I am no fanatic and will always LISTEN TO THE OTHER PERSON'S POINT OF VIEW.

Fanatics will never shift position, will never compromise and in the end will kill their opposite numbers should they need to.
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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #22 - Feb 28th, 2012 at 6:54pm
red baron wrote on Feb 28th, 2012 at 3:46pm:
falah, you are precisely he kind of Muslim fanatic that gives moderate Muslims nightmares at night.

Where do you get all this stuff falah. I've read your posts and I am not ashamed to call myself a hard liner. But mate you pales me into the horizon with not just passionate views but outright fanatical views.

It is the fanatics no matter what end of then spectrum that they come from that pose the greatest threat to then world.

Thus it has always been.

I am heavy falah but I am no fanatic and will always LISTEN TO THE OTHER PERSON'S POINT OF VIEW.

Fanatics will never shift position, will never compromise and in the end will kill their opposite numbers should they need to.

The post was a quotation from a Jewish American citizen.

The Jew who wrote that article must be a hardline fanatic eh?
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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #23 - Feb 28th, 2012 at 9:27pm
falah wrote on Feb 28th, 2012 at 6:54pm:
red baron wrote on Feb 28th, 2012 at 3:46pm:
falah, you are precisely he kind of Muslim fanatic that gives moderate Muslims nightmares at night.

Where do you get all this stuff falah. I've read your posts and I am not ashamed to call myself a hard liner. But mate you pales me into the horizon with not just passionate views but outright fanatical views.

It is the fanatics no matter what end of then spectrum that they come from that pose the greatest threat to then world.

Thus it has always been.

I am heavy falah but I am no fanatic and will always LISTEN TO THE OTHER PERSON'S POINT OF VIEW.

Fanatics will never shift position, will never compromise and in the end will kill their opposite numbers should they need to.

The post was a quotation from a Jewish American citizen.

The Jew who wrote that article must be a hardline fanatic eh?

Grin Grin Grin

You bearded loonies couldn't break wind without involving the Jews somehow.

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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #24 - Feb 28th, 2012 at 9:47pm
I am sure Korans are burnt quite frequently around the world. Every time Muslims go apesh!t over some perceived slight (and they are forever perceiving slights, let's be honest), people around the world must be making symbolic gestures like that in response. They just don't ring the TV channels in advance. There are a few clips on Youtube.

Anyway, here's some solid advice you will be mad to ignore:

(But we all know you will ignore it)
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Australian Politics

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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #25 - Feb 29th, 2012 at 7:14am
If only the Jews had followed your advice instead of invading Palestine.

Let's think about your stupid propganada Soren. How do Australian's think about the Eureka Stockade? How do Americans think about their Revolution?

In your opinion Soren, everyone in the world is allowed to fight for freedom except Muslims.

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Re: 'Qur’an burning shows US political idiocy'
Reply #26 - Feb 29th, 2012 at 12:31pm

Muslim Arabs and Muslims in general are poor, ignorant and backward because there is a Jewish state less than a third the size of Tasmania!!
Before 1948, Muslims were at the forefront of  every art, industry, science. But Mel Gibson and Hollywood invaded them and so Muslims are now demonstrating their Islamic upper hand by rioting in their own countries. Glorious.

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