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Mass Arrests Happening (Read 171635 times)
Gold Member

Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #210 - Jul 21st, 2012 at 4:29pm


The White Hats Report
Reporting What The Main Stream Media Refuses To Report

Friday, July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION!

First agenda item:  Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”.  The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be.  First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts.  We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats.  The clear and precise message is “be informed” and “take action” when required to do so.  The folks in the hallowed halls are listening to the thunder clouds of a pissed off nation and world, clearly approaching the steps of the Capital.  So, to all of our “friends” in the Washington D.C. beltway, listen carefully, soon the people will be on your door step, taking you away.  It’s not just Obama they will be after … it’s you.

Second agenda item:  To Homeland Security, tell us that you really didn’t pull the plug on Drake’s show.  Who came up with that plan?  Let’s review.  Drake is a patriot … if you listen to the broadcasts you would know that.  If you Homeland guys, and the rest of the government officials, would act like you cared about the 310 million citizens of the United States of America you wouldn’t have to worry about what the Drakes of the world are saying.  They would be spouting just another conspiracy theory that nobody listens to.  You do have a problem, everyone IS listening.  Why?  NOBODY TRUSTS YOU!  Along with the freedoms we expect and are guaranteed, we specifically demand you uphold our 1st Amendment Rights. Remember the concept of Freedom Of Speech!  With regard to our Freedom Of Speech we want to know why you are involved with Foreign Nations in the development and reverse engineering of alien technologies for use against the Citizens of the country you were sworn to protect .

We understand you think you are the only authority who can arrest and question people’s activities, but beware, your time is running out.  You would be best served researching how the unelected elite bloodlines have stolen money from the United States through Pureheart, a Homeland Security owned and operated company, a Government Sponsored Entity (GSE), specifically attached to you.  You own that company and don’t have the ability to regulate its activities.  Or do you?  Are you instructing Pureheart, your company, to take the stolen money and develop multiple underground tunnels and cities?  You must realize that your mission would be compromised if it ever came out that you guys are the front for a clandestine, ultra secret operation that places the people of the world in jeopardy.  You already know what we think, so why don’t we let the people decide.  We know you won’t be forthright about your clandestine, ultra secret program.

We do want to get our questions on the record for all of humanity.

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to your belief that something horrific will  happen soon, like some sort of attack that would decimate the human population of earth?

- OR -

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to the elite bloodline families (such as the Bush Cabal) having the belief that they are superior to the people of the world, giving them the right to extinguish our lives for their own betterment?

- OR –

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to something in the universe that will alter humanity, as we know it, i.e.: like a large object hitting us?

Maybe you would be able to provide other lines of logical thinking.  If it’s not one of those three scenarios, then explain to us why the leadership of the G8 countries would be FULLY involved, right up to their eyeballs.  You guys have approved it, now you should answer for it!

What we believe is that if Homeland Security were just internal security for the United States of America, it would be doing just that.  Unfortunately, you got involved in Pureheart, a Homeland Security company.  Pureheart is solely set up for the thieving of large amounts of cash positions, i.e. Falcone, Tropos, and one that has not even been reported yet …all ultra secret means of financing your ultra secret underground activities.  The tell-tale sign is that the Bloodline families and the Cabal can only control the Western European Monetary System - the same system the Bloodlines control.  ONLY THE WESTERN EUROPEAN MONETARY SYSTEM IS FAILING FINANCIALLY, BUT IT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE REST OF THE WORLD’S FINANCIAL PROBLEMS.  We are right and you know it.  Why else would you need to fraudulently develop a high level scam to steal $15 trillion dollars and trade it at a rate of 2000% a month?  Where’s the money, General Rosier?  Where’s the money, Mr. Bernanke?  Where's the money Lord Steven Greene?  Don’t tell the lie that you do not have control of your main and singular product … cash.  IT’S ALL BEING DONE IN THE MONETARY SYSTEM THAT YOU CREATED AND OPERATE DAILY.  That’s hundreds of trillions of dollars a month and the world is wondering why the Federal Reserve is failing and broke.  No cash and no cash flow.  It’s painfully hilarious that the very people who own and control the Federal Reserve System and the Western European economies are failing … and you guys are the best and the brightest we have!  The Chinese have operated for thousands of years, yet you haven’t got it down after one hundred years.  Maybe you just don’t want to let us know what the rest of the world knows and talks about.  The Federal Reserve, along with your secret government system is controlling the underground activities and that is where you have lost control.  No wonder the intelligent people of the world seem to think that 911 was merely a Bush and Cheney con job to get Homeland Security instituted, so as to facilitate the redirection of substantial cash to do your ultra-secret, worldwide G8 operations.   More Later, if there is one.

Once again we ask …  WHO HAS THEIR TICKET?

Third agenda item:  A call out to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Michelle Obama.  Tell us you didn’t really demand of Wells Fargo that they pay out your Iraqi Dinars above each and every person in the world.  Again, we say, Really!  The politicians and the big kahuna’s wife got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Yet Again!  What’s really sad is a bunch of “political speak” was issued from Congress Friday stating it would suspend business for an “internal work day”.  You must think, WE THE PEOPLE are stupid. You all ended up getting your Iraqi Dinars exchanged for vouchers at Wells Fargo Bank.  If we did that to our employers, we would be fired.  Hmmmm … now that’s the ticket!  No pun intended.  For the “leadership” of this country, your actions are despicable. So, just get the hell out.  Go away.  Take the money you have plundered from the American people and just go away!

Fourth agenda item:  A special message to President Barack Obama.  When you and Michelle flew in on Nancy Pelosi’s Gulfstream and parked her bird at the far side of the hanger deck for Atlantic Aviation …where you obviously thought no one would see you … and while you snuck off to Wells Fargo Bank to transact your Iraqi Dinars … did you ever once think about the Country and the image you portrayed as you did that.  Can you tell us why you think you deserve to be first in line at the profit-taking trough yet once again?  Perhaps it’s like the CEO’s you say you hate who get large bonuses for bankrupting companies.  Oops, another bird out of the bag … running the country like it is a profit and loss company.  Imagine that, The White Hats calling you just another crooked politician with his hand out … go figure.  Everyone thought you had a plan and that a change was going to occur.  We guessed it would be inappropriate to talk about that right now but you certainly are a quick study.

We realize that shaming you for your greedy, self-aggrandizing action is useless at this point in your career but for God’s sake, at least put on the Abe Lincoln beard and Black Hat so that the hundreds of people that didn’t see you … ahem … don’t whisper.   Hell, we found you just after the flight plan was lodged … remember Air Force One always travels to a location with a TFR in place.  When one is not present, that means you are sneakin’ around and you were sneaking, weren’t you President & Mrs. Obama … sort of like the trips to Spain and London?  Personally, we wish you would accelerate your plans to move to your newfound home in Costa Rica.  The sooner the better … like maybe next week.


Fifth agenda item:  For months and months, the White Hats have been calling out for assistance in getting the word out to the masses, thinking that all of the masses talk to each other.  Go back and re-read the last sentence.  We want to share some insights with you regarding the alternative media segment of the world.  You have strength in a way that very few understand.  The White Hats register on approximately 350 blogs throughout the world.  To date, we are translated into 9 languages we know of, including all of the majors.  We have been talking about stuff that no man in his right mind should talk about, but we do it anyway and there will be more, much, much more.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be heard.  But …

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #211 - Jul 21st, 2012 at 4:29pm
The powers that be have kept all of the little people segregated for far too long and the little people need to do something about it.  What do we mean when we say this?  Let’s look.  One of the best sources for UFO related stuff is Kerry Cassidy.  This gal is hard working, relentless and, in our experience, she has been extremely helpful, sincere and always ready to explain things outside of our expertise.

In the same breath, you have Dr. Richard Boylan, who has been a long term member of the alternative community.  There are more, and we do not intend to leave anyone out of the loop, but look at how segmented the communities are … and the disinfo guys love it.  Why, you say? Because it is easy to isolate, criticize, attack and control any one of the blogs and the topics...into nothingness.  As long as you isolate yourself to nothingness, the UFO's go to one corner and huddle, and the financial guys go to another corner and huddle, etc, etc, etc.  We guess you only have to remember the Sadie Hawkins dance when the girls huddled on one side and the boys huddled on the other. What happens when the world's largest financial scam occurs and the disinfo teams are able to control through the Sadie Hawkins techniques of control?  You are all segregated, so no kissing is going to occur.  After all, you know what will happen if kissing occurs.  Let the baseball game begin.  If you don’t kiss then your individual stories do not mesh.  Let’s give you an example.

The 911’s have their blogs, the Homeland Security haters have their blogs, the Secret Government people have their blogs, the UFO's have their blogs, the Bush Cabal haters have their blogs, and the Anti Bilderbergs have their blogs.  However nobody hates the G8 because nobody knows what they do, including their clandestine ultra secret operations with the United States Secret Government.  With everyone in their corners not talking to one another, nobody has the opportunity to put all of the pieces together…pieces that have been there all along … way before the White Hats showed their faces.  Now, all of a sudden pieces of the jig saw puzzle started to fit in the White Hats research.  And so we start to ask questions of the blog community.  And then we all had to sit down and really think if this $15T scam, along with all of the other scams, is all part of the same agenda.  Well folks, it is!  Now you look at it and start to ask questions.  Kerry, you need to move ahead and report what you know and think without the threat of accidental death.  Dr. Boylan, get to it and start to make yourself available in a real world template with what you know.  If the Cabal wants you to be eliminated, then so be it, but there will be hell to pay with the millions of people worldwide that read blogs and alternative media.  This blog community could become a team if you work together... and that team would be capable of piecing together something akin to an internet network that would keep all the people informed of all the news and we desperately need that. It could assist the Mainstream Media in becoming obsolete due to their cabal controlled reporting.  Mainstream Media - well, no guts to help save the world at this point, as you are totally controlled.  News Media, get some backbone.  We know you all do not have your tickets for the show … so are you laying down and giving up?  We are guessing you have families that you love and cherish.  Are they not reason enough to fight for your life and those humans that ultimately make a difference?  Get a clue folks! We'd like to offer our blog to start the conversation.

Sixth agenda item:  And now more about this $15T scam situation.  The Powers That Be decided a long time ago to keep the extraterrestrial situation quiet.  We need to identify who the Powers That Be are. They are the bloodline families.  They control everything that goes on in the banking world, the political world, and attempt to shape our individual reality on a daily basis.  The control they are exerting has to do with control of the masses.  I don’t think we need to create the long line of items that are currently before us ... oh what the hell why not?  Just a few  … Obamacare, the United Nations Agenda 21, the Libor scandal (the newest scandal of world wide proportion to rock the banking sectors of the world), the money laundering scandals, the aliens and their technologies, UFO’s, Homeland Security, and last but not least, our leadership.

Let the White Hats help by asking this question.  Do all of you folks that work for Homeland Security have your tickets?  Are you expecting yours in the mail soon?  Do you have a sense you will not receive one?  Then you better start to question your very existence in the next three months, six months, one year to three years out.  What are you going to do?  Challenge and ask questions!  Will you just stand there and take it? What are you going to do?

The White Hats are going to be talking about the secret Government of the United States of America, really the world, but that is a dirty little secret for right now.  If you really knew, you would go fetal in a minute.  Right now, we want you to concentrate on sharing with one another and having blogdom come together in a way that is currently not done.  WE WANT THE BLOGS TO COMPARE INFORMATION AND TALK TO ONE ANOTHER.  If the White Hats have now put it together even though the blogs have been here substantially longer, then ”who missed the boat?”  Blogdom, the powerful new alternative news media, is made up of two primary segments: those that report the news from developed sources, and those that post what other blogs report. Thankfully, you all get the word out, but the ones who do the initial reporting have to do a far better job talking to one another.  God Bless all of you!
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #212 - Jul 21st, 2012 at 4:48pm

The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History.

The Department of Justice -- home of the US Marshals -- has now blown the lid off of the biggest financial scandal in human history... after a highly covert three-year investigation.

The LIBOR scandal has started the Great Revealing of Financial Tyranny. Mass arrests must begin with mass charges, and mass court cases -- and that has now arrived. Disclosure of many great hidden truths will follow.


Every person on Earth is increasingly aware that our world is ruled by corrupt forces -- to an almost Biblical degree.

The astonishing events that have unfolded since June 27, 2012 have made that much more obvious -- even for those who have been in the greatest denial.

This process has been fascinating to watch -- not to mention remarkably rewarding.

After many years of hard work to expose the truth, we are finally seeing results -- on a worldwide level. The knowledge will spread much, much more with each passing day.

In this new investigation, I will do my best to provide you with a blow-by-blow compendium of what has actually happened.

Furthermore, we are now seeing a precise fulfillment of the justice we've been promising on this site since at least last November.

Critical information was leaked to us from highly classified insider sources, working for the good of humanity. Current events have proven that their plan is still very much in effect.


Every word of this investigation has been released for free. The bulk of our original findings are in the Financial Tyranny series.


The first and largest portion of our extensive investigation was released on Friday, January 13th, 2012.

The remaining elements took almost another month to finish, and were published on Thursday, February 9th.

You can begin by reading Sections One through Seven of Financial Tyranny here. Then go here to complete Sections Eight through Ten.

This truth is admittedly painful to accept. You will probably have to go through a grief process once you understand the full scope of what is going on.

Nonetheless, it is absolutely essential for everyone, as a planet, to end the denial and face the truth of our world -- as it actually exists today.


The Great Revealing has not yet become the one thing everyone is talking about.

The arrests and resignations have only just begun -- and the mainstream Western media is equally as culpable as those controlling the financial system.

After all, it's the same people.

This is one of many popular notions that are proven in Financial Tyranny. It is no longer a "conspiracy theory."

Vast psyops have been used -- including tens of thousands of professional online hit-men, paid to look like normal people sharing their opinion.

Shame has been a very powerful weapon to stop people from learning the truth. No one wants to be "crazy" or hated for their beliefs.

You are about to see a variety of article links where the writers express surprise that the American media isn't covering this story yet.

As you are well aware, this has nothing to do with the press being "shy." They are simply staring into the face of their own destruction.


On June 27, 2012, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, or CFTC, filed a surprise legal order against Barclays Bank -- in a move that has shocked the world.

A wealth of emails were presented, giving irrefutable evidence that Barclays was manipulating their own credit score -- to generate almost unthinkably vast profits.

Here is the link where you can download the legal order yourself -- and a photograph of the top page of this historic document.


This may not seem like a big deal at first -- but in order for Barclays to have rigged their own credit score, they had to be conspiring with all the other biggest banks in the world.

These are the banks they are supposedly in competition with.

This story has taken off with unprecedented, explosive force in the UK -- but is almost non-existent in the US, except on Huffington Post and alternative news sites.

This legal action required extraordinary secrecy to perform. Had the Cabal gotten wind of it, they would have killed everyone involved.


Indeed, the world just found out that all the biggest banks are in bed together.

They are all implicated in a vast conspiracy to lie to the public, and create artificial investor confidence that benefits no one but themselves.

Mass criminal charges are already being prepared -- by labor unions, local banks, local governments, state governments and federal governments -- as a result of this move by the Department of Justice.

All the evidence is now freely available, as we will see -- and the story is nearly moving faster than we can keep up with at this point, with new developments on a day-by-day basis.


Some people are so war-weary that they refuse to believe anyone in government, military, finance, intelligence or the judiciary could be a trustworthy human being -- or want to do the right thing.

As I have said before, this is ultimately a genocidal belief system that seeks to paint the world in black and white, reinforce victim consciousness, and create an "us" versus "them."

Everyone in the "us" category is universally good... and everyone in the "them" category is diabolically evil.

The evil ones must be utterly tortured and destroyed -- with prejudice. If even one of them survives, it will all grow back again.

If this sounds like the teachings of a fundamentalist cult, you are absolutely correct.

Hitler was only one of many who put these types of thoughts into practice.

The reality is that humans are complex creatures. No one is "all good" or "all bad."

Each person is quite capable of thinking for themselves -- regardless of where they work.

Plenty of people now realize that the goals and aspirations of this cabal could literally destroy our entire planet.

We cannot simply stand back and watch it happen. Actions must be taken.


It is very, very strange that all these corporations, theoretically in competition with each other, all actually own each other's companies.

The scientists were shocked, because the ownership was far more entangled and interrelated than anyone could ever have imagined -- even for those with the unsavory label of a "conspiracy theorist."

These were not crackpots.

Credible scientists explored virgin territory, using supercomputers and a vast database -- and discovered an astonishing "ghost in the machine."


In this diagram, taken from the Swiss study, we see a better illustration of the core -- including some of the top players within it, and their relationships.

Look closely. Some of these names should already be quite familiar to you:


Names that immediately jump out include Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Barclays.

These are almost all financial institutions. They are supposed to be in competition with each other. Most of their employees certainly think they are.

What the hell are they doing by all owning each other's companies?

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #213 - Jul 22nd, 2012 at 8:17am


FINAL VERSION 2/9! A 122-nation alliance is backing a lawsuit that could free the Earth from financial tyranny. This investigation reveals who the perpetrators are and what we can do to solve the problem.

[Note: The most recent updates to these first six sections were posted on Sunday, January 29th. The remaining four sections had to be published separately, due to size constraints on our database.

Please Note: You may quote excerpts from this investigation and republish them in your blog, but please do not re-post the entire investigation, as additional updates and 'tweaks' may be necessary. Instead, please link your readers back to the original. Thanks!]


2012 has begun as a year of rampant paranoia and hopelessness on the Internet and throughout mainstream media.

The economy appears to be in a dire predicament -- ready to go over a cliff into an abyss few can even allow themselves to consider.

The Euro has been teetering on the brink of total collapse. A frantic bailout of the entire European Union, proposed by the Federal Reserve, has done very little to relieve the fears of the public.

On December 19th, 2011, Britain announced they will refuse to participate in this bailout -- showing how tense and uncertain the situation really is.

Simultaneously, very aggressive and blatant moves are being made to start World War III in the Middle East -- with imminent, ever-increasing threats from Israel and the United States to attack Iran.

Since 9/11, Americans and much of the Western world have been led to believe that the biggest enemy they face is terrorism from Islamic extremists. Nonetheless, there is now overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the true enemy... is within.

You are about to read a comprehensive investigation summarizing all the best information I have gathered about the true nature of this crisis since I became directly aware of it, twenty years ago -- in 1992.

Very few people are aware that a massive 122-nation coalition has formed to solve the problem -- just in the nick of time – and they are backing a legal, public solution to end Financial Tyranny.


A trillion-dollar lawsuit was filed as of November 23, 2011 -- and the resulting investigation will provide a rock-solid legal framework to reveal the full nature of the problems we face... and arrest those responsible:

Bear in mind that the evidence backing this lawsuit, if made public, will completely expose what has been going on at the highest levels -- by the people themselves, speaking in their own words.

This would be the most dramatic public expose' of the group responsible for this Financial Tyranny since the early 1800s -- as you will see.

Our initial announcement and confirmation of this lawsuit has already received over 650,000 hits, 34,000 Facebook Likes and 1000 written comments as we publish this final, completed investigation.


This initial announcement also earned me a very serious warning -- from two different insiders working at high levels of government -- that I needed to publish the entire investigation as quickly as possible, or my life could be in imminent danger.

The conspirators are desperate to stop the bleeding and save themselves from prosecution. Threats, bribery, blackmail, torture and murder are their standard tools of the trade.

As you will see, on December 31st, David Hutzler publicly conveyed vital information to me for this case, acting directly on behalf of Benjamin Fulford -- the former Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, and a leading representative of this international alliance.

Ben had David direct me to the "Unwanted Publicity Intelligence" website, which contains extremely sensitive documents. I was astonished when I reviewed this website, considering that I was told it is lethally dangerous to publish pictures of the Federal Reserve bonds we will be discussing.

A week later, on January 6th, David and his eight-year-old son Mackie burned to death in their home. Hardly anything recognizable was left. Accelerants were found outside and arson has not been ruled out.



Just as we were preparing to publish the final version of this investigation, we discovered startling new news.

Autopsies revealed that David Hutzler and his son both died of gunshot wounds -- not fire.

MARTINSBURG - The bodies of a father and son discovered after a fire in Glengary last month were found to have gunshot wounds, and an investigation has determined that the blaze was intentionally set, officials confirmed for the first time Monday.

The bodies of 56-year-old David Cole Hutzler and his son, 9-year-old James Hutzler, were discovered Jan. 6 after a fire at 436 Apple Harvest Drive in Berkeley County near the Virginia state line. Both victims were found in the mobile home's rear bedroom.

"I can confirm for you that the fire was intentionally set," Assistant West Virginia State Fire Marshal Patrick Barker, who investigated the fire, said Monday.

Meanwhile, West Virginia State Trooper J.D. Brand, who is one of the officers leading the investigation into the deaths, confirmed reports that both victims had gunshot wounds. He told a reporter Monday that the incident is now being considered a homicide investigation.


We all knew and loved "Hutz" on Benjamin Fulford's forum. He participated frequently and really wanted to make a difference in this world. His comments were funny and insightful. He loved my work and believed in what I'm doing.

He was one of those people who had "the burden of wisdom" -- the knowledge of the degree of harm that is being done in this world by Financial Tyranny.

Friends of his have spoken to me personally and said how dearly he loved his son. He would have done anything for Mackie.

Hutz knew from Fulford that we were very close to some major changes in the world -- which were extremely positive. That's why he forwarded me the links to this damning evidence on Ben's behalf.

All that being said, the police are literally expecting us to believe that he shot Mackie, lit his own home on fire with gasoline well enough to burn it beyond all recognition, and then went back and shot himself -- in the same room where Mackie was.

"We believe he took the life of his son and then set the fires and than took his own life," says Trooper Brand.

From the investigation and talking to people close to the victims the lead investigator, Trooper Brand says the father had a history of making remarks that seemed questionable and unstable.

"Spoke to a number of people that new the victims quite well. Received several accounts of the victim making suicidal comments and also several indicators that over the past couple years he had become mentally unstable," says Trooper Brand.

Trooper Brand says unless any new information is found, their investigation is complete.


If you start learning the truth about Financial Tyranny, you will naturally be branded as making "questionable remarks" that seem "mentally unstable" by people who are unaware of the things you are about to read.

Given the fact that this one legal case could single-handedly destroy a conspiracy for global financial tyranny that goes back at least 300 years, do you really think this cover story is true?

If you're suicidal enough to kill your own son and kill yourself, why would you be so concerned about trying to destroy all the evidence?

Out of fear, skeptics will insist there is no connection between this bizarre double murder and the damning information Hutz passed along to me. I disagree.

Even in light of this blatant threat, I will not be intimidated. This tragic event only inspired me to do an even better job with the investigation.

You deserve to know the truth.

Our future depends on it.
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #214 - Jul 22nd, 2012 at 8:20am

Posted on 07/21/2012
US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama

        I have stated in a couple of my early shows, and question & answer,
     that we might not have elections this year…remember?
       The article below (from a good source) is a legitimate news report.
     However, there is some missing information.
       I mentioned a ‘plan’ held secretly by our military that was developed during
the Korean war era.
      Within it are special conditions under which our military would take specific actions
towards freeing up our country.
      The ‘balance’ between waiting for We The People and The Military taking such actions
is beginning to tip…
      This is exactly why I requested/asked our militias and people to form into groups to hook
up with local law enforcement and our F.B.I. to affect needed arrests.
      TIME is very short and any who are in position to start the action, PLEASE do so NOW!
      Special conditions and limitations apply.
       A military cue is possible…going towards probable, that tipping from above…
       IF this happens, immediate appointments in key offices will be made after removal of the crooks.
       These will be ‘Temporary’ and with limited powers.
       After house cleaning and appointments, We The People will be made aware of the paperwork
notification process that was completed that basically set us free by a majority of states.
       As problems are addressed, there will be several presentations that will keep us free AND make
sure that these problems can never occur again.
       24/7 voting by paper ballot will have to be held in order for The People to decide a lot of legislation.
There is a lot of education that will be taking place before voting…things you were never told that you need to know.
     This allows us to make the right decisions AND returns the power over to We The People.
        Everyone must know that our military does not want to do this or be in charge.
      IF this goes this way, our military leaders will announce exactly that. That this is TEMPORARY.
      There may be no news or stories or statements on this. Those involved want this to work AND there
is a security/safety factor on a life and death level.
      Any of us may be contacted to assist, so be ready, and do not engage from either side. Talk first.    ~ Drake
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #215 - Jul 24th, 2012 at 5:56pm

NEWS from Neil Keenan – July 23, 2012
Posted on 07/23/2012
From: Neil Keenan
To: ’Drake
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: RE: as per our conversation

Good Morning my friend,
As always I want to keep things clear so no one gets confused most especially me.  The case and the liens are two different issues.  For the case I must return to Asia to receive the rest of the documentation, I have most recently been promised, that ties in much more than jurisdictional issues.  It ties in actions.
As you know the phony Euros printed by the European Central Bank are in our possession in Indonesia .  These notes are outright fraud and we have all the answers back to us from the system.  They have no value but they made them as payment for the interest on the Gold from the Global Accounts.  Once submitted as frauds the European Central Bank could be out of business.  If not then I will go back and bring back millions of Euros and let the ECB accept them and validate them or get out of business.  Then you have the end of this atrocity called the European Commission headed by some Eastern European Mummies from Hungary (Soros Boys).
Exposing the Euro is this simple.
Soon we will be auditing and validating what is real and what is not.  The Indonesians have waited far to long for the long overdue promises to kick in.  Asia has waited far too long.  The Middle East has waited far too long.  The world has waited far too long.  Why?  Because the Kazars/Nazis controlled US Corporation has stolen from the Collateral Accounts from Day One.  Since when has a Kazar or Nazi ever kept even the simplest promise.  In this case they saw the opportunity to financially control the world.  Well, we are coming to close you down.  Your days in the sun (you are all so white I think you hate sun) are over with.  Exposure is already prevalent and in our hands but to literally take the money right out of your pockets will take just a little longer.  When we shut you down then it is up to others to straighten out the wrongs.
To date we have closed up the BIS on you and frozen trading for 90 days and making it very difficult for you to do anything.  The Central Banks are already in fault not default and in a few days they go into default.  It is only going to get tougher and when it does you will become more desperate but guess what?  There will be no corners to hide in so you will be forced to stay in the middle of the ring until this is over with.  It is best you take a good long look at your situation because soon it will be too late.
Sorry Drake got carried away,
Neil Keenan
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #216 - Jul 24th, 2012 at 6:02pm,_Global_Elite_Confirmed_to_Hold_32...

Banks, Global Elite Confirmed to Hold $32 Trillion in Offshore Accounts
Mon Jul 23 2012 16:25

Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society
Anthony Gucciardi
July 23, 2012


Major banks and the financial global elite are now confirmed to have as much as $32 trillion in hidden assets stashed away in offshore accounts that are subject to little or no taxation. As a result, around $280 billion is estimated to be lost in tax revenues. In other words, the multi-trillion dollar banks and elite families are avoiding any taxation while forcing United States citizens to foot the bill. Amazingly, the $32 trillion stashed away represents the overall GDP of the United States and Japan combined.

In order to reach the monetary figure, which many are calling quite conservative, economist James Henry commissioned was by the Tax Justice Network — a group that seeks to bring tax evasion to light. Even the Tax Justice Network was quite shocked by the outcome, with spokesperson John Christensen saying he was ultimately startled by the “scale” of the numbers. What’s more concerning than the numbers, however, is the entities behind them. The report revealed that major banks such as Bank of America and Citigroup were among the many major corporations and banking organizations to hide their assets in offshore tax havens.

Bank of America, HSBC, Global Elite Families Among Listed

In an interview with the news organization Al Jazeera, Christensen explains just how deep the report goes:

“We’re talking about very big, well-known brands – HSBC, Citigroup, Bank of America, UBS, Credit Suisse – some of the world’s biggest banks are invovled…and they do it knowing fully well that their clients, more often than not, are evading and avoiding taxes.”

To find the incriminating information, Henry (the economist working for Christensen and the Tax Justice Network) actually utilized data from deep within the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, United Nations, and central banks to reach his final figure. Embedded in what could potentially be the largest and most publicized breaking story on the subject of large-scale tax evasion by the wealthy elite, Henry also found that the offshore tax havens are actually quote attractive to entire developing nations — not just major banks and ultra-rich families.

Used by ‘private elites’ to hide the wealth of developing nations, Henry found the balance sheets of 139 developing countries on record. Since the 1970s, he estimates that among the richest of these nations currently disguising their true asset value had amassed around $7.3 to $9.3 trillion. A figure that is completely unknown to the rest of the world due to the fact that is ‘unrecorded’ as offshore wealth.

The findings are continuing to gain mainstream attention, and pinpoint just how far big banks and major corporations will go in ensuring that they do not have to pay a dime in taxes while at the same time calling for mass tax increases for the average citizen. Furthermore, it shows the financial mischief of the financial elite, depositing trillions upon trillions of dollars into offshore accounts with unknown value.

Read more at Natural Society
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #217 - Jul 24th, 2012 at 6:07pm

Congress Voting to Audit the Fed TODAY: July 24, 2012
Tue Jul 24 2012 17:31

Congress Votes on Auditing the Fed

Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Fed – HR 459 – will be voted on TODAY, July 24th.

As of this writing, it has 274 co-sponsors, although that number is increasing by the hour. Given that there are 435 voting members of the House, and 274 is  more than half of 435, the bill should pass in the House.

The question would then become what the Senate does with it.

The American people overwhelmingly support this bill.  So do economists.

Flashback:  See this for a reminder on what happened to Ron Paul’s previous version of the bill.

Congress Voting to Audit the Fed TODAY: July 24, 2012 was originally published on Washington's Blog
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #218 - Jul 24th, 2012 at 6:49pm,_...

US Marines Preparing To Arrest Bankers, Politicians? Ooh-Rah!


Former U.S. Navy Seal Jesse Ventura recently put out a video plea to US Military Personnel to 'Remember Your Oath'. With the recent announcement that the US Marine Corp has created 3 500 member Police Battalions,  I believe that very soon we will be witnessing the mass arrests across America of the corrupt politicians and bankers who have bankrupt our country and destroyed the United States Constitution. From Freedom Broadcasting Network


The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions – a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations.

The Corps activated three such battalions last month. Each is made up of roughly 500 military police officers and dozens of dogs. The Marine Corps has had police battalions off and on since World War II but they were primarily focused on providing security, such as accompanying fuel convoys or guarding generals on visits to dangerous areas, said Maj. Jan Durham, commander of the 1st Law Enforcement Battalion at Camp Pendleton.

The war on terror has also taught troops the importance of learning how to gather intelligence, secure evidence and assist local authorities in building cases to take down criminal networks. Troops have gotten better at combing raid sites for clues to help them track insurgents.

What better use for America's finest than to begin the mass arrests of the biggest terrorists in the world, the corrupt bankers and politicians spread throughout America who have created the "world's largest criminal network"? We should all hope that Jesse Ventura's message has made it through to our wonderful marines; "Remember Your Oaths!"  Ooh-Rah!

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #219 - Jul 25th, 2012 at 5:10am

24 July 2012 Last updated at 10:35 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Sean FitzPatrick is third ex-Anglo Irish Bank executive to be arrested in 24 hours

Former Anglo Irish Bank chairman Sean FitzPatrick has been arrested at Dublin airport

The former head of Anglo Irish Bank, Sean FitzPatrick, has been arrested by Irish police in connection with alleged financial irregularities at the bank.

Mr FitzPatrick has been appearing in court in Dublin.

He is the third former senior executive from Anglo Irish Bank to appear in court within the past 24 hours.

All three men face 16 charges in relation to an alleged failed attempt to prop up Anglo's share price after a stock market collapse.

Anglo was nationalised at a cost of about 30bn euros (£23.4bn) to Irish taxpayers.

Airport arrest
Mr FitzPatrick served as chief executive and then chairman of the bank, building it up to become what at one time appeared to be one of the biggest success stories of Ireland's boom years.

However, Anglo was badly exposed by the bursting of the Irish property bubble and suffered the largest corporate loss in the history of the Republic of Ireland.

Mr FitzPatrick stepped down from his position in December 2008, a month before Anglo had to be bailed out by the state.

Irish police arrested him at about 05:35 BST on Tuesday at Dublin airport and took him to Bridewell Garda station in the city centre.

It is the third time Mr FitzPatrick has been arrested as part of the three-and-a-half year long investigation into the collapse of Anglo Irish Bank.

On Monday, Willie McAteer - the second in command at the bank before his resignation in January 2009 - appeared in court alongside Pat Whelan, a former head of lending and operations at the bank.

Mr McAteer, 60, from Rathgar in Dublin, was granted bail until 8 October but was was ordered to hand in his passport.

Mr Whelan, 50, from Malahide in County Dublin, was also granted bail but was ordered to give 48 hours notice if he is travelling anywhere outside Ireland or the UK.

The former bank is being wound down and is currently being run by the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited (IBRC).

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #220 - Jul 25th, 2012 at 4:16pm

Former David Cameron Aide Charged.

Published on Jul 24, 2012 by PhaqueOrfTV
News & Politics

UK PM's ex-aide charged in hacking scandal.

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #221 - Jul 25th, 2012 at 5:27pm

South Korean President Apologizes for Corruption Scandals
Published: July 24, 2012

SEOUL, South Korea — President Lee Myung-bak apologized on Tuesday for a string of corruption scandals implicating his relatives and allies that have undermined his last year in office.

Mr. Lee’s nationally televised apology came two weeks after the arrest of his elder brother, Lee Sang-deuk, on bribery charges. Hours after the president bowed before television cameras on Tuesday, two of his former aides were arrested on bribery charges, joining a growing list of Mr. Lee’s acquaintances who have been jailed on suspicion of corruption.

Mr. Lee, whose term ends in February, said in his address that he was so ashamed he could hardly lift his face.

“The more I think about it, the more it crushes my heart,” he said. “But whom can I blame now? It’s all because of my negligence.

“I bow before the people in apology,” he said.

It was a humiliating moment for a leader who had once characterized his own government as “morally perfect.” Mr. Lee offered a similar apology in January, during his customary New Year’s speech, when it had become evident that he would be the latest in a series of South Korean presidents to be politically damaged by corruption scandals.

So far, a score of people considered close to Mr. Lee have been indicted or convicted on corruption charges. They include three relatives, four senior presidential aides and several former senior officials in the cabinet and government-run companies. Mr. Lee himself has not been implicated in any of the scandals.

The president’s brother, a former lawmaker, has been charged with accepting bribes from two bankers. Prosecutors said the bankers asked him to help prevent regulators from shutting down their banks. The bankers have been charged with embezzlement and bribery, and their banks’ operations have been suspended.

Analysts who have studied South Korea’s recurring corruption scandals have argued that political leaders’ intimates, like friends, relatives and people with school connections, have long influenced the appointment of top posts in police, prosecution and government intelligence agencies. Over the years, this has contributed to a climate of negligence where corruption is concerned, these analysts said.
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #222 - Jul 25th, 2012 at 5:30pm

Sheldan Nidle and The Galactic Federation ~ July 24, 2012.

8 Batz, 4 Vayeb, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Much continues to take place behind the facade of your world. The dark cabal's global banking system is crumbling at an ever-increasing rate, and a raft of banking CEOs is being forced to resign. Interpol and associated agencies are stepping up their investigations into the LIBOR scandal which now appears to have no clear boundaries, and indeed this operation is starting to threaten numerous governments in Europe and Asia with collapse. As the crisis grows, the BRIC nations and their allies are informing the cabal that its attempts to reinstate its electronic fiat currencies are banned forthwith. This is further exacerbated by a lack of available capital. The political situation in Europe and, shortly, in North America, is reaching a boiling point. Something has to be done swiftly, or the present economic construct is sure to collapse. The new economic system favored by the coalition of BRIC nations is now fully ready to be rolled out at a moment's notice, and pursuant to this, several nations in Asia have placed liens on a number of major western banks.

   These developments are further complicated by the mounting turbulence in the Middle East and parts of South Asia, and this growing instability is also ready to boil over. Meanwhile, the interlocked financial crises in Europe and the rest of the world persist, and will remain unsolvable without vast banking reforms and global debt forgiveness. It is not a situation the world can just sweep under the proverbial rug, and this the dark cabal now realizes. As a result it knows that its power in the world is coming to an end. A series of events now underway will very shortly cause the downfall of the cabal, by first isolating its members and then removing them from power. This will bring in NESARA in North America and, like ripples in a pond, facsimiles of this act will spread across the globe. This new governance is to lead to the global liberation of humanity and the formal disclosure of our existence. Then we can begin the announcements that will transform your worldview and your reality forever!

   As you approach this watershed moment, remember that a whole series of events needs to take place prior to disclosure. Our Earth allies fully comprehend what is now happening. The reality construct that has manipulated your lives and your world needs to collapse completely to permit the new system to take its place. This new system is currently being nudged into place by the same circumstances that are taking the old one down. This operation is happening at a very quick pace. The present system cannot sustain another extreme crisis, and such a crisis is very, very close at hand. Hence it was decided to put the new system clandestinely in place and wait for the right moment to reveal its constituent parts: new money, new banking, and new governance. The intention here is to allow the old system to be totally discredited and seen to be defunct, so that the general public will be disposed to welcome in the new. Our ships are monitoring all global flash points and will forestall the dark's usual tactics of solving problems by the use of warmongering and terrorism. This we will no longer permit!

   In this world there always existed conditions and incendiary 'circumstances' that reliably led to 'useful' wars or even global conflagration. In these times we are delegated to prevent this, and to lead your globe into peace and prosperity. The dark is stoking a number of old conflict zones that it sincerely hopes to reignite. We need to inform them that, sadly, this is yet another plot that is not to be allowed! Your world is quickly shifting, and what Heaven has prepared is not to be undone! Our mission is centered on your return to full consciousness and this goal is on track. The next series of disclosures is ready to go, as are the actions which will slip your world ever closer to its grand shift. Heaven has decreed that this is now to proceed and all impediments are to be removed. Many individuals, who are not widely known, are to make the announcements that usher in the transitional governments and liberate humanity from its eons-long involuntary servitude.

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Bless you all, for you are to be free! Events, blessed Ones, are busily happening, which will shake the dark cabal to its roots and put into play the circumstances that will bring them down. We bless Heaven and all those who have come to Earth to work the many miracles that are a boon to our sacred plans. Precious metals, as they are called here, have been horded for ages by the dark cabalists. They then substituted increasingly worthless mediums of exchange and introduced profane modes of usage. These are the factors that are proving to be their undoing. Major banks and stock exchanges are caught in a quagmire of massive shortfalls which makes their collapse both imminent and quick. Meanwhile, our associates have been busy planning the next phase of their operations for the last few months and are ready to proceed with the new financial system that is to 'save the day' for humanity!

   We cannot, for obvious reasons, elaborate on these plans yet. Just know that conditions worldwide are rapidly bringing the dark to the brink of an enormous calamity. The major nations, outside of the G-5, understand fully what is occurring, and are gleefully preparing for the collapse of major commodity and stock markets. This necessary 'sweep of the broom' will propel your society from its present morass of anxiety to a carefully orchestrated world of peace, prosperity, and open vistas of unbelievable possibility! All elements for this have only to slide into place! Hence, we ask you to remain full of confidence and joyous expectation, for many incredible events are close to manifesting. Rest assured that the Galactic Federation and our Agarthan family is guarding us against all last-ditch attempts by the dark to go out with a bang!

   Take advantage of this time to prepare for your new reality. It will unfortunately come as a shock to most of your fellows. Be willing to start discussions with friends and family about what lies ahead, so that they may be somewhat prepared for the unsettling information they will shortly hear. And once things start, use your intuition and the wisdom life has taught you to comfort and ease the anxieties of those whose worlds have been turned upside down. Imagine what it feels like to have your fondest beliefs challenged, and know that your calm presence and your reassurances are essential for helping your community to accept a milieu that seems to get stranger by the day. Your mission is to remain serene amid the bewilderment around you. This is what you have been 'training' for over many lifetimes, and now the time is upon you. You are the blessed Ones whose abilities will make all the difference in these end times, and beyond!

   Today, we updated you on important events. It is vital for you to recognize that what is now underway is a series of planned events that lead up to 'the cascade of dominoes' finale. Then the new epoch for humanity can slide wonderfully into place! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #223 - Jul 25th, 2012 at 7:04pm
<< Take advantage of this time to prepare for your new reality. It will unfortunately come as a shock to most of your fellows. >>

Not to me, the writing has been on the wall for five years now.

I am prepared. Bring it on! A new world awaits.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #224 - Jul 26th, 2012 at 9:49am
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 25th, 2012 at 7:04pm:
<< Take advantage of this time to prepare for your new reality. It will unfortunately come as a shock to most of your fellows. >>

Not to me, the writing has been on the wall for five years now.

I am prepared. Bring it on! A new world awaits.

Pansi - ask Light when the new reality will happen.

Apparently it's in the Divine Plan.
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