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Mass Arrests Happening (Read 171937 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #30 - Apr 14th, 2012 at 5:17am

Iceland Forgives Mortgage Debt for the Population

This is awesome. It shows when the people DO STAND UP they have more power and win against the corrupt bankers and politicians of a country. Iceland is forgiving and erasing the mortgage debt of the population. They are putting the bankers and politicians on the “Bench of the Accused.” Which means I assume they are putting them on trial for corruption.
Now the rest of people of the world need to start doing the same thing. We all need to stand up and against all the corruption and fraud of the banks and politicians that are puppets of the banks and corporations.
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #31 - Apr 14th, 2012 at 2:49pm
mass arrests happening right now

enjoy your liberation from slavery

free energy and freedom from slavery governments

continue to unfold

your welcome

yes this is your welcome unto freedom


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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #32 - Apr 14th, 2012 at 4:16pm
Free the jails! Join the revolution! Liberate the masses! Lock up the pigs!

Right on, Light.
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red baron
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #33 - Apr 14th, 2012 at 5:24pm
Karnal lives! Where have you been on hols in Afghanistan?...Never mind you are back in time for Anzac bloody great stirrer!
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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #34 - Apr 14th, 2012 at 6:38pm
red baron wrote on Apr 14th, 2012 at 5:24pm:
Karnal lives! Where have you been on hols in Afghanistan?...Never mind you are back in time for Anzac bloody great stirrer!

I'll try a bit of a toss, old son. I'm not marching this year - too bloody sad. They're getting older every year.
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #35 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 4:05am

Iceland Forgives Mortgages

The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused

IMF Urges Authorities to Consider Debt Forgiveness to Restore Growth
2012 April 14 posted by Steve Beckow

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged governments to consider “bold” interventions to reduce household debt levels and stimulate growth.

In the 1930s, the Roosevelt administration set up the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to buy distressed mortgages from banks in exchange for government debt.

By Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor

Telegraph, 10 Apr 2012

High levels of household debt restrain consumer spending and delay recoveries, the Bretton Woods institution concluded in an analysis of crises over the past century.

While cutting interest rates and unemployment benefits help, the IMF said the authorities should consider going further with “targeted household debt reduction policies”.

Among its proposals, the fund suggested state-sponsored debt forgiveness plans for the most hard-hit families. Although the policies might initially be expensive, they would be beneficial by reinvigorating consumer spending and helping the economy, the IMF said.

It cited the actions of the US in 1933 in the midst of the Great Depression and Iceland after its recent banking collapse.
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« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2012 at 5:28am by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #36 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 4:09am

more validation that what is now happening in iceland

is to roll out across the planet for starters

mass arrests and debt forgiveness

your welcome

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« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2012 at 5:25am by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #37 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 5:40am
the Bretton Woods institution concluded in an analysis of crises over the past century.


an institution that is named after a decree of slavery

is slow in coming across with the truth,and yet these

can not deny the fact that the bretton woods agreement

is a bondage upon humanity giving up liberties

and rights of the masses to the elite

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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #38 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 11:24am

Greetings from the Federation:

There is a great sense of hope developing on your world today as your collective thoughts focus on the arrest of the Illuminati and the restructuring of your financial systems. These are as have been intended. They are being played out all over your world in an orchestrated manner that would overwhelm you in its strategic development if you could know its depth and breath. We are here to speak about that which we can without jeopardizing actions already in play that you will see come to fruition over the coming weeks.

Prepare for great movements of information all over your globe that will focus those who are not in tune with what you have been accomplishing all this while. This will be the next, and greatest to date, mass awakening of individuals who have been asleep through the process thus far. This information will come from many sources, including your media, which has even now begun to unravel the Illuminati control about it. Truth is rolling over those that resist, and those who have always wanted this information to “get out” now see no impediment to their actions to make it so. This trickle will now become the floodgates of information that are a precursor to disclosure.

Indeed, we have had our hand in the rocket launch recently making news and it is now abundantly clear that there can be no reprisal from rogue military operations on our actions in the world. While fear mongering will cause many to focus on nuclear weapons and their potential use in terrorist activities, we say, as we have always advised, that there is nothing to fear at all.

Your nation of Iceland is being used as a testing ground for the rolling out of financial strategies for the betterment of your planet. It would be wise to follow their progress in this respect, as it will be the fate of all nations in a very brief period of time. We have always advised you that such an action would never come from the larger powers and nations of the world, but they will follow in lockstep once the actions begin their domino effect.

The time of doubt is at an end. The time of hope has begun. Now, you will begin to see real change occur, palpable and observable by all. These matters will come on so quickly it will spin your head. Hold on now for the beginning of the beginning. And as these changes come, so will Gaia react to your hope and love. She is already making changes that will benefit all. There are several more massive earthquakes yet to occur, all with minimal damage to life, as these changes continue.

We are forever with you, our family. We look forward to our reunion and the chance to share with you our love and excitement for your future.

Be at peace.
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #39 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 11:30am

Hungarian PM attacks EU for ‘blackmail’ over latest IMF loan

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban attacked the European Union for imposing political conditions on an EU-IMF loan desperately needed by Budapest, in an interview on Friday.
“Creating political conditions — for example over the justice system — would amount to blackmail, which is unacceptable within the European Union,” Orban told national radio MR1 in his weekly interview.
“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) does not set financial conditions, but the EU is flirting with the idea of imposing political conditions,” Orban added.
Hungary asked the International Monetary Fund and European Union for a 15-20 billion euro ($20-26 billion) credit line last November, as the forint dropped to record low levels against the euro and borrowing costs rose to record highs.
Read full report here
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #40 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 11:32am

George Soros pledges $10 million to defeat Sheriff Joe for reelection

Conservative Patriot
April 15, 2012
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is under siege by the Obama administration.
Obama has joined forces with George Soros and “La Raza” – not to mention the entire Leftwing liberal political establishment – in a multi-million dollar smear campaign to destroy and discredit Sheriff Joe, “America’s Toughest Sheriff” solely for doing his job and doing it well.
And to top it all off, they are spending millions of your tax dollars to do it.
Already, federal bureaucrats handpicked by this administration are working as “monitors” in Sheriff Joe’s Maricopa County office to stop him from enforcing immigration law.
More than anything else, the Spender-in-Chief wants to stop Sheriff Joe from continuing the Cold Case Posse investigation of his Constitutional eligibility to be President – an investigation which has already unearthed ‘probable cause’ and evidence of a systemic effort to cover-up and conceal information surrounding Barack Hussein Obama’s alleged citizenship.
Radical amnesty fanatics just held a protest demanding that the federal government step in and strip Sheriff Joe of his badge – Obama’s buddy George Soros even pledged $10 million to defeat Sheriff Joe for reelection.
We know Obama’s utter failure to reign-in his out-of-control spending has left you broke as gas prices continue to soar right along with the cost of groceries. And let’s not forget, many of us will be forking over our hard-earned dollars to Uncle Sam this coming Tuesday to pay for Obama’s nanny-state and welfare for the 12 million illegal immigrants whose fraudulent votes he’s depending on for reelection.
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #41 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 3:03pm


Preparing Us for Mass Arrests
2012 APRIL 4
Posted by Steve Beckow

Not only are the white hats in the Pentagon preparing us for the mass arrests through “Drake,” but the Company of Heaven are as well.

The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles tells us that “this process [of the changing of the guards] is nearing its completion stages as all systems are go and we are moments away from moving forward in this operation and taking into custody so many of those who have conspired against you.” (1)

SaLuSa reminds us:

“You wanted action, you wanted results, and you now have them if you follow certain people who have acquired a reputation for successfully discovering the truth. An enormous set up of hundreds of different personnel, are poised ready to apprehend the criminals who have been behind the most cynical and profitable crimes against you in recent times.” (2)

The GF through Greg reveals the scope of the operation.

“This operation will be vast, and it will reach far and deep into your societal structure as we remove deep-rooted corruption throughout your world. Please be patient as we move forward with our plans, and continue to spread this information to act as a precursor to what will be a major media event. This is our plan, and we expect it to go off without a hitch.” (3)

The galactics expect the operation to proceed perfectly and everyone on the list to be taken into custody.

“We, along with our Earth allies, have invested a great deal of time and effort in the planning stages of this operation and we plan on it moving forward to its completion perfectly according to its design. We have no intention of allowing any part of this operation to fail for any reason, and every name that is on our list for arrest and subsequent trial will be taken into custody when we want them to be, perfectly according to our schedule.

“This is how this operation will unfold and proceed to the letter, and we will not stop or slow our efforts until every name on the list is checked as they are removed from your society.”(4)

They tell us that the operation “will take days and possibly even weeks, but we tell you this is only due to the amount of arrests that will be made.” (5)

“There are limits to how fast we can proceed as resources will be thinned, as these arrests will be scattered all over your planet.” (6)

Once the arrests have been made the Dark Ages on this planet will be over, the GF says.

“You may have confidence that the dark and their days ruling over you and your world will be finished upon these arrests, and you may take solace in knowing they will never be allowed to transgress upon you or your society ever again. There will be no second life for them once they are taken into custody. They will not be permitted to reenter your society, and they will not be able to enter any society until they are fully rehabilitated.

“Your society will be free to grow and to prosper, and each of you of your world will enjoy a freedom that many of you have never known. You have this to look forward to, and we wish for this knowing to keep you going through this challenging period in your lives.” (7)

That day is dawning, they tell us.

“This day is now dawning on your horizon as final preparations are being made for these mass arrests. Please be patient while our Earth allies make final preparations for their roles in this operation. We are ready on our end, and we await the signal that the time has come to proceed.” (8)

The Pleiaidian High Council through Wes Annac cautions us that how peaceful and harmonious a process this will be depends on the impact of our thoughts on the collective consciousness.

“You are hearing continual updates about the takedown of those who would strip your freedoms away from you in a heartbeat if allowed, and the process of this coming forth is indeed as harmonious and peaceful as it has been predicted to transpire. You all hold the keys as to how peaceful this endeavor plays out and as to how little chaos is manifested through your thoughts and emotions upon seeing the beginning revelations come to fruition.” (9)

In the first place, Archangel Michael asks us not to take joy in the fall of the cabal.

“Joy is an expression of love, of endearment, of union and community. You can never take joy in another person’s, or a group’s, demise. …

“We ask for you not to join in any way, shape or form in judgment or relishing what is happening to another, for that cannot be of love. So yes, there is divine justice, and there is an absolute balancing that is taking place. And we want you to understand that, as it is taking place on Earth, upon your beloved Gaia, that those ripple effects are felt throughout the Universe, that that rebalancing is taking place far further than any of you can even imagine.

“But the key to that amplification effect is for you to hold love, is for you to hold peace. You do not stand as judge and jury, my friends. …

“No. That is not loving. That is not kind. That is not gentle. Retribution comes in the rebalancing. It comes in the brilliant light of a new dawn. It comes in you stepping forward and assuming your rightful place, as light-holders and showers of the way. It is its own reward.” (10)

SaLuSa reminds us that we don’t know the part a soul has chosen to play in the drama of life.

“Remember as we have informed you on a  number of times, you do not know another soul’s life plan or why they have chosen their experiences. In the higher Spirit worlds souls are of a vibration that gives no energy to judgement or condemnation, they hold the love vibration and it is not in their way of thinking.” (11)

Rather let the fate of the dark ones be determined by the justice system, which has been well prepared to decide it and help them back to the Light.

“Think positively as you move through the last months of duality, and do not concern yourselves too much with the fate of the dark Ones. They will be treated with full justice and be given every opportunity to make amends, and every help to find a path back to the Light.” (12)

He reminds us that we have all played roles of light and dark and that hating those who play dark roles now will hold us back from progressing.

“As the cycle closes, remember that you have all played out lives on both sides of duality, and they are seen as necessary experiences to enable you to balance both energies. You may have succeeded now, but do not allow your achievement to cloud your mind against the dark Ones. Have compassion, and bear in mind that they are still sparks of the Light and Love, and can fully make their way back to the Light. In fact because they have dropped lower than many other souls, they will in time make great Light Carriers. You cannot know their karma so make allowances for their roles in your present period of history.

“Whilst you are not punished for your ‘sins’ you do make reparations so that you fully understand the effect of them on other souls. This can be very deep and heart wrenching, but it is the only way to learn your lessons. You have all to some degree had such experiences, so now you can understand why it is essential you are non-judgmental where other souls are concerned. Do your best to be forgiving if you have been personally hurt, and please do not harbor the energies of hate as they will eat into your body and cause you illness. They will also hold you back from progressing, as you cannot take them with you into the higher dimensions.” (13)

He reminds us also that no one escapes the need to answer to the universal laws and asks us to find it in our hearts to respond with compassion.

“Dear Ones, understand that the dark Ones are answerable to Universal Law exactly as you are, and like you when in duality are allowed to experience through their freewill choice. Of course they are also subject to your laws, but by the very nature of their rejection of them and the power they hold, they feel above the law. However, as you will know by now every soul is answerable at some stage for every action and even thought that intended to harm or cause the death of another soul. It is why we ask you to bear this in mind when the dark Ones are called to justice, and stand for their crimes against Humanity.

“If it is within your ability and your mindset allows for compassion, it is the best response you can have. Better still if you can acknowledge that the dark Ones are Beings of Light that retain their godspark, you would help them by sending Love and Light. Naturally that is not easy particularly if you have a relative or friend that has been a victim of theirs.

“How you respond depends on your level of consciousness, but you will eventually reach one of Christ Consciousness and act from that level of understanding. Therefore if it needs a ‘deal’ to remove the dark Ones and they are allowed refuge somewhere, it is only a temporary respite as ultimately they will not escape justice.” (14)

Therefore we have our work cut out for us as the cabal is rounded up. That role is to remain calm, refrain from joy at the fall of the cabal, and refrain from hate. We’re asked to remind ourselves that we too have played all roles, dark as well as light. The galactics tell us that the dark ones will escape neither the universal law nor the laws of this planet. But how we respond to the mass arrests will determine how harmonious a process the mass arrests are and whether, as a result, we progress from these events or hinder our own advancement.
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #42 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 3:06pm

Imminent Televised Event: Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members - 2012

Published on Mar 28, 2012 by wimlentelink
Imminent Televised Event: Mass Arrests of 10.000 Global Cabal Members - 2012. 25/3/12 "450 RESIGNATIONS FROM WORLD BANKS, INVESTMENT HOUSES, MONEY FUNDS" /&/ "20,000+ extra resignations that no one is reporting " Friday, March 16, 2012 - Update that explains how a much larger number of resignations/house arrests are visible using data from the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #43 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 3:52pm
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Christ Light

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Re: Mass Arrests Happening
Reply #44 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 3:53pm

The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived. Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks. A Cease and Desist Order has also been filed -- to prevent the world's wealth from continuing to be stolen.


If you have been following this and certain other websites, then you have already heard the eyewitness testimony suggesting that thousands of conspirators in finance, media, defense, military, corporations and government are about to be arrested.

The mass resignations of CEOs, worldwide -- now numbering well over 450 in the last few months alone -- is a tangible sign that a major event is anticipated within the insider community.

Let's be clear, again, that this is NOT a coup, NOT martial law, and NOT a takeover of the government in any way.


Our financial system, media complex, defense industry, corporate world and government has already been taken over.

It is not being run for the people and by the people. It has been systematically manipulated by a secretive, occult Cabal.

We cannot sit back and wait for their next attempt to generate mass chaos and destruction, and say "let's just leave everything the way it is," simply because this group has been so circumspect in revealing its true intentions.

This system threatens the welfare of everyone on Earth. In their plan to secure global control, they have repeatedly attempted to create mass casualties -- by a variety of different means -- and significantly reduce population.

Many, if not most of these efforts have been thwarted. Much of this is thanks to the will of the people; great heroes who take a stand. This includes countless hundreds of millions of people doing their best to spread the word -- and inform others.

More recently there appears to be Divine Intervention, for lack of a better term -- which is utterly destroying the Cabal's ability to do any further harm on a mass level.

That does not, in any way, reduce or eliminate our need to act. For now, we focus on the practical, tangible, on-the-ground steps we must take to free our planet from Financial Tyranny -- within this very opportune set of circumstances.


The plan for mass arrests appears to have been in development since the 1960s, as my interview with a new insider named Drake revealed.

Drake was asked by the "good guys" in the Pentagon to provide a public voice for a plan that, up until then, had almost entirely been disclosed by Benjamin Fulford, since 2007, and myself since November 2011 -- when I was personally briefed on it.

This plan requires the will of the people to succeed. Otherwise, our supporters within the military and the justice system do not have the legal precedent to perform such actions.

After many years, the public outrage is now sufficiently high that the will of the people has become more than sufficient to take these steps. Elements within our civilian and military sectors alike have had enough -- and are taking a stand.

US marshals from the Department of Justice and peace officers will carry out the arrests, with the assistance of military personnel -- in the event of any unforeseen disturbances.

By assisting a legal civilian operation in this manner, the military personnel are following their Oath of Enlistment -- to protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


Again, to reiterate, the mass arrests will generate a situation from which there is no turning back for the Cabal.

Once the truth is exposed, there will be no further walls of secrecy for them to hide behind.

Every genuine fact you've ever read on the Internet about this problem will quickly become common knowledge. The "learning curve" is steep, but this is what everyone will be talking about.

The rules of logic are absolute in a case like this. Full disclosure of this group guarantees that no such actions will ever be tolerated again by the public. It is a full-stop Game Over for the cabal.

That is why they are so terrified right now.

There are plenty of headlines showing this -- such as Muppetgate, the public divorce of JP Morgan and the Vatican, the mass resignations of over 450 CEOs, and the passing of ridiculous and tyrannical executive orders.

This cannot and will not be a "cleaning out of middle management" only. The upper levels will be clearly exposed. These people's lives will never be the same. No one will tolerate the continuation of their plans.


Particularly since 9/11, an incredible amount of damning evidence has been quietly collected -- all for use in this single moment of Truth.

This evidence includes extensive video proof of how they talk, what they do and what they have planned -- in countless, allegedly secure locations.

Bohemian Grove is only one of many locations that have been thoroughly compromised by hidden surveillance.

Yes, it will be shocking. Very shocking. It will also be undeniable. This evidence has been rigorously collected since 9/11, and distilled down to its most powerful core elements.

There is so much evidence that any attempt to "debunk" it, or say it is the work of CG animation, et cetera, will completely fall apart.

All international air travel and all domestic borders will be closed, to prevent the conspirators from fleeing. Those who have already gone into hiding, internationally, will be located and brought to justice.

There will NOT be a mass power outage unless the negative groups try to do this. The lights will stay on and everyone should be OK during this process.


There may be local disruptions of Internet service and international phone calls for the initial three-day period. This is by necessity, to avoid trillions of dollars flying out of the economy and collapsing the nation -- as began occurring in the 2008 crash.

Had this massive hemorrhage not been quickly stopped in 2008, the economy could have been destroyed beyond any hope of repair.

Any outages of these critical services will be turned back on as soon as possible -- in no more than three days' time.

For the first five days after the arrests occur, every television station will have wall-to-wall coverage of information that makes our finest civilian investigations pale by comparison -- and leaves no margin of doubt.

Scores of DVDs' worth of documentaries -- some narrated by instantly-recognizable public figures -- will be airing, revealing the truth, with as much sensitivity as possible -- while also not pulling any punches.

I have been told that the most disturbing content will not be made available to minors. Anyone will be able to review it, but they will need to do so under supervision, such as via Skype.

Enough information will be released to make people aware of the exact nature of this disturbing content, however.
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