Baronvonrort wrote on Mar 5
th, 2012 at 8:14pm:
Your link is defective
The link is not defective. The link you provided is to a group of grave-worshippers.
The main poster in the thread is a deviant Naqshabandi. The Naqshabandis believe in things which contradict Islam. If they will lie about Islam, then why would I believe them on anything else?
for example,
THE ISLAMIC BELIEF: God is the Only Truth
THE NAQSHBANDI BELIEF: Aba Yazid al-Bistami is the Truth
THE ISLAMIC BELIEF: None shares with the command of God
God says in the Quran:
"Verily, His (God's) command, when He intends a thing, is only that he says to it, "Be! And it is!" - (Chapter 36, Verse 82); and in another place in the Quran, God says:
"They have no protector other than Him (God); nor does He share His command with any person whatsoever." - (18:26)
THE NAQSHBANDI BELIEF: Their sheikh shares with the command of God
On page 33 of their deviant book "Mercy Oceans - Part 1", it reads "The Power of the wali is such that he only needs to say Kun (be) and that will be."
THE ISLAMIC BELIEF: God is above the heavens
God says in the Quran:
"Do you feel secure, that He (God), who is
above the heavens, will not cause the earth to sink with you." (Quran, Chapter 67, Verse 16).
And in a long Hadith found in Saheeh Muslim, it is narrated that the companion Mu'awiyah ibn al-Hakam, slapped his servant girl who used to tend his sheep, and as a result when to the Prophet (peace & blessing of God upon him) and asked what should be done as an atonement for having slapped her. The Prophet replied, "Bring her to me" so Mu'awiyah brought her to the Prophet . The Prophet then asked her,
"Where is God?" and she replied "Above the Sky" then the Prophet asked her, "Who am I?" and she replied, "You are God's Messenger", so the Prophet said, "Free her, for
verily she is a true believer."
(Saheeh Muslim, Vol 1, Hadith #1094, English Translation)
On page 13 of the book Haqiqat ul Haqqani it reads,
God Almighty is everywhere but specially in the Baitullaah as He has Himself called it the house of God. For it to be called the house of the Lord, the Lord of the house must be in it."
The concept of God being everywhere is not Islamic as the above Quranic verse and the authentic hadith confirm.
5. THE ISLAMIC BELIEF: None has the knowledge of the Last Day except God
God says in the Quran,
"Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with God (alone)." (31:34)
And according to the well known Hadith, where Angel Gabriel appeared as a man, we quote the part of the Hadith that is relevant to our matter, after asking about Islam, Faith and Percfection of Faith, Angel Gabriel asks Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam) "then tell me about the (last) Hour (meaning Judgement Day)", the Prophet Muhammad replied, "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner."
(Saheeh Muslim, vol 1, Hadith #4, English Translation)
THE NAQSHBANDI BELIEF: Their sheikh has the knowledge of the Last Day.
In the beginning of page 19 of the book ‘Mercy Oceans - part one’, it reads -
"These signs have been given us indication that the Last Day is coming is nearly exactly now …we shall witness that great event within two years."The above book (Mercy Oceans) was published in 1987 and it is almost 25 years since its publication, but the last day is still not witnessed. How could it be when indeed God has clearly stated in the Quran,
"Say None in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except God." (Quran, Chapter 27, Verse 65)